Chapter 2: Reasoning

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(Y/n) gently shoves Ruby out of the way as the remainders of CRDL stand up. However, instead of beating them into the ground, he walks past them, marching towards a half-crushed car. He pries off the doors and helps out a dazed old man. 

"You ok pops?"

"I-I'm fine lad."

"No, you're bleeding! C'mon sit down, I know a bit of first aid."

He sits the elderly man down and rummages around the rubble for something to stem the bleeding. Luckily, he manages to find a first aid kit. He rushes back and pops it open. As he pulls out some gauze and wet cloth, he speaks to the man again.

"Any other injuries sir? Hit your head or something?"

"No, I'm fine. Other than the cut, just a few bruises."

"Good. I'll apply some cotton to the wound now."

He gently takes a ball of cotton, finds the cut and gently presses onto the large cut. The man winces and holds the cotton there as (Y/n) gently wraps the man's head with gauze bandages. He smiles and gently helps the man up. 

"I'd advise you to get out of here."

As if on cue, he hears footsteps rapidly approaching. He raises his arm and blocks an overhead strike from Jaune.

"Hey there lemon boy."

He doesn't seem fazed, even as the sword bites deep into his flesh. He then grabs Jaune by the foot and holds him upside down. Jaune yelps as he dangles in the kaiju boy's grasp. Said boy grins.

"How's it hanging?"

He then sets down Jaune, who stays there on the floor, deciding it to be much safer. He hears the whirr of engines and looks up to see Altesian bullhead. He growls as it touches and General Ironwood. He stops growling and pauses. He stands tall and glares at the general.

"Ironwood. Good to see you sir."

"Indeed. I've come to end this. That woman has taken this too far. The Kaiju Council has demanded for blood. But I've managed to abate their anger. For now. But of this moment, I'm here to make sure you don't vaporize the city."

He signals and a droid marches up to (Y/n). It scans him. It beeps and Ironwood looks down at his Scroll.

"Looks like you'll need a half-dose of anti-radiation bacterium to prevent your body from losing control of the radiation inside your heart."

"You sure it's safe?"

"Your father took a similar dose, though he burned through his colony when... well you know."

"Yeah. When he burned up like a candle."

The droid gently inserts a needle into (Y/n)'s blood vessel and releases the bacterium. All at once, (Y/n) feels massive amounts of exhaustion flood into his body. He almost falls, but Ironwood catches him as he walks up. The duo hobble onto the Bullhead. Ironwood sets him down on one of the seats, and signals for the Bullhead to take off. As (Y/n) dozes off, Ironwood sighs and looks at his mechanical arm. He remembers why he has it, and why he is so helpful to the young man before him.

17 years ago, deep underground

An explosion rings as two figures race away out of a tunnel, a cacophony of howls and roars following after them. One is a young Ironwood; the other is his best friend and partner. (Y/n)'s father, Ichiro. The two race away from the gnashing horde.

"That Schnee bastard told us this was a basic extermination! This is a fucking a Hive!"

"I told you that something was off. He was suspicious as hell."

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