Chapter 5: Jebel HAfit

Start from the beginning

"Me toooooo!" Wendy sang, cuddling up to Freddy, who looked like he was about to pass out.

"I'm heading off to bed," Timmy yawned, getting up and heading towards his tent.

"Me too," Mia said, following him.

"No guys, let's do something fun before bed!" Kevin said, suddenly full of energy.

But they ignored him and walked to their tents.

"I know, let's all drift in one car!" Seth said.

"YAS! My car bitches," Michelle said, as she wobbled to her car.

"You sure this is a good idea guys?" I said. I mean, we were all pretty much intoxicated and driving seemed like such a bad idea.

"Live a little grandma," Michelle said, as the others got into her car. Michelle drove a large Jeep which had room for like ten people. We could easily fit inside.

I sighed and got in. Darn you peer pressure.

Andy sat in the passenger seat; behind them were me, Wendy, Freddy and Michael; in the middle seat were Kevin, Sara and Seth; and on the last seat were Ryan, George and Medo. Timmy and Mia were fast asleep in their tents. Lucky.

Miley Cyrus's song 'Malibu' was playing on the radio and Michelle turned it up to full volume. Oh God. I covered my ears. Something tells me that this was such a bad idea. And boy was I right...


But here I am, next to you

The sky's more blue in Malibu

Next to you in Malibu

Next to you

"Woohoo! Sing with me bitches!" Michelle said, cranking the volume even louder.

"JEEEZAZ!" Wendy said, covering her ears.

"WOOOHOOOO!" Michelle repeated, accelerating at 100 miles per hour.

"BABE, SLOW DOWN!" Andy said over the loud music.

But Michelle didn't hear him. She began drifting and the car spun around in circles. I suddenly felt sick. Where's a bucket when you need one?

She continued doing this for several minutes until Andy finally grabbed the wheel from her. The car suddenly lost its balance and began accelerating towards the watchman's house. Michelle swerved the car at the last moment and before I could process what had happened, I saw a dark figure standing there and then a loud THUD as Michelle ran him over. The man flew several meters in the air before landing on his face.

The girls screamed and Michelle pulled the car to a sudden halt. I hit my head against the seat and felt like passing out from the pain.

"Is everyone okay?" Michelle said, her voice quivering.

"I ... think so," Michael said, looking around at us.

We unbuckled our seat belts and hurried to the man we had just run over. He was sprawled on his face and blood was gushing out.

"Oh my God," George said.

"Is he, is he dead?" Seth whispered.

Seth reached down and slowly turned him over. The man's eyes were wide open, his empty sockets staring at us in blank space. His face was gauntly and his body was covered with bruises and wounds. His chest had a huge gash and blood was oozing out of it. It was pretty obvious that he was dead.

"Oh my God, we killed a man!" Wendy said, her hands on her head. "We killed a man!"

"Wendy, STOP," Sara said, "You're not helping!"

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