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she felt unstable. her breathing was a little bit shaky, and she didn't know where she was. she sat up abruptly and jerked back down when she felt a pain in her stomach. she brought her hand to it, and took a deep breath.

"hello?" she called out. she looked around, still wondering where she was. the room was white, making her squint her eyes from the brightness of the room. there was a blue curtain separating her and the other side of wherever she was. there was a tv hanging against the wall, which was turned off. she was laying in a bed with something hooked up to her wrist. "is anyone here?" she yelled again hoping someone would hear her. she looked over to the door of the room. she saw a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes staring at her, that were somehow familiar to her. it looked like he was about to say something to her, but then he turned and left.

suddenly, someone rushed into the room. it was a girl with long, sleek, dark brown hair. the girl smiled at her. "camden! you're awake," the girl said.

"where am i?" camden asked, even though it was pretty obvious. about three more people came in. they were all wearing white except for one person who was in blue.

"don't you know, camden? you're in the hospital," said the girl with the dark hair. camden blinked. the hospital? why am i in the hospital?

the man wearing blue whispered something to the other people in white. someone nodded and left the room. a few minutes later, she returned with a cart. on top of the cart, there was a small needle. the last thing that camden remembered after that was the man pushing the needle into her skin and everything turning blurry.


when camden woke up later, someone was sitting in a chair next to her bed. this time, the person wasn't wearing scrubs. he was wearing normal clothes. he had bright orange hair. she sat up slowly, so that she didn't feel pain in her stomach again. he turned to her, and his face lit up.

he leaned forward and hugged her tight without saying anything. he started stroking her blonde hair. he was shaking, and camden figured he was crying because she heard him sniffle a couple of times. camden didn't know what to do, so she started rubbing his back. she felt his tears pouring into her shirt.

"you're okay," he kept on repeating. he held onto the hug for a long time, just in case she fell back to sleep and never woke up again. he couldn't take any chances. he wasn't even sure if this was real. he rocked her back and forth in his arms. it was hurting camden's stomach a little bit, but she didn't mind, because it was comforting, so she didn't say anything.

"i'm sorry but, who are you?" camden whispered after he pulled away from the hug.

he stared at her for a few seconds before replying. "you mean.. you mean you don't remember me?" he stuttered. he looked up at the ceiling and licked his lips. the doctor had told him she might have traumatic amnesia, but he didn't actually think she would have it. "i'm michael. i've been your best friend since fourth grade," he said, his voice cracking. after camden didn't respond, he took a deep breath. "oh, god, this can't be happening. oh my god."

camden looked at him. "i'm sorry. i wish i could remember you, but i can't remember anything." she stared at him. "i didn't even remember my name, but i guess it's camden since everyone is calling me that." she after processing what she just said, she mentally slapped herself for sounding stupid. she was a little slow from just waking up.

"fuck," he whispered to himself. "i'll be right back," he told camden, and he ran out of the room.

a few minutes after he left, a nurse came in and sat down next to camden.

"camden, i want you to tell me something about you that you can remember from your past. it can be anything; parents names, former pets, house addresses, phone numbers, anything of the sort."

camden blinked. "well... i actually- i don't..." camden said while thinking hard. "i don't remember anything, really," she sighed. "nothing. um.. can you tell me why i'm here?"

the nurse looked at her with pity in her eyes. "you were in a car crash. your dad was driving under the influence of alcohol and he hit the car in front of him. i'm sorry, but he didn't make it. the poor old woman who your dad hit also died," she said with a soft voice.

camden looked away as tears filled her eyes. she felt a strong wave of pain along with rage. why the fuck would the bastard be drinking while driving with me in the car? he killed an innocent person. not to mention himself, and he could've killed me. what kind of person was my dad?

"no. that can't be true." the nurse sighed. camden started shaking. "why.. why would he do something like that? i don't understand. he put so many people in danger. now he's dead.." camden looked at her feet.

"this is bullshit."


I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE. i'm really late. SORTA FORGOT ABOUT THIS FOR A FEW MONTHS AND GOT WRAPPED UP IN FAMILY PROBS. OOPS SORRY ABOUT THAT LMAO. i didn't know people were actually waiting on me. my apologies!!

ok so wow chapter one. i know nothing really happened but it's just providing you with background information. IT'S SO SHORT ugh ONCE AGAIN i am really sorry because i know people have been waiting to read this but the chapters will get longer and more exciting. i promise. i might update really soon since this chapter is kind of disappointing. :)

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