all you wanted was love

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"Spencer?" I knock on his door for the third day in a row. "It's Y/N. If...if you're awake, knock on something."

I hear a faint knock from the inside of his apartment.

"I know that you want to be alone right now, but... I wanted to let you know that I'm here for you, and...I wanna help." I lean my head against the doorframe. "I'm just gonna chill out here for awhile and...just kinda talk at you. Maybe that'll at a tiny bit."

I sit down on the floor, my back against his door, amongst all of the gift baskets that Penelope has left over the course of three days.


I proceed to tell him all about my week, everything that was notable-- what I'd normally tell Spencer about.

"I'm...running out of things to talk about," I sigh out.

It's a lot easier to have a conversation when the other person talks back. I've been sitting out here for a good hour now.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go. If you need anything, Spence...anything at all, just call me."

Just as I'm about to get up, the door swings open, making me fall backward and onto my back.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." He tells me, looking down at me.

I stare back up at him, taking in his appearance. He's got some stubble going on, his hair is unkempt, and he's dressed in a robe with some pajamas underneath.

"It's okay," I tell him before sitting up and hopping to my feet. I face him, giving him a sad look.

He doesn't waste any time before wrapping his arms around me. I wrap mine around him, hugging him tighter when I hear some faint sniffles coming from the boy.

"Shh, Spence..." I shush him as I rub his back.

I had to hear about the whole thing from Penelope. When I came over three days ago, I found a few gift baskets on the floor outside of his apartment. He wouldn't answer the door, wouldn't say anything through it. I knew something had to have happened, so I called Penelope and she told me all about it.

A girl. A genius, like him, that he'd been talking to for six months was shot and killed in front of him. And that's all I got out of Penelope.

"Can I come in and sit with you?" I ask Spencer.

He pulls away and nods. "It's kind of a mess right now," He tells me as he turns around, heading back into his apartment.

I grab my purse and backpack off of the ground and follow him, closing the door behind us. He takes a seat on the couch and I occupy the place next to him, putting my things on the floor.

"So...what do you know?" He asks, looking down at his hands.

"I know the gist. Just that you'd been talking to this girl for awhile..." I tuck one leg under the other and face him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

It's not like Spencer to keep secrets from me. We've been best friends for nearly two years now... and we tell each other everything.

"Because I knew you'd give me shit about it," He sighs, running a hand through his hair. Well, he tries to run it through. His fingers get caught in the knots.

"What? Spencer, I would not. Why would you think that?" I gawk at him.

"Because... I was giving myself shit about it the entire time."


Spencer goes on to tell me about the stalker situation, and about how he really didn't even know this girl. Despite the hours of communication, the letters, the phone calls... he had no clue who she was.

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