Chapter 4.- Ain't karma a bitch ? We know Rachel Davis is.

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chapter 4

                             - AIN'T KARMA A BITCH ?    WE KNOW RACHEL DAVIS IS.

"hey! where have you been Mr. Invisible?" she asked Sam who was not paying attention and was now texting.

"uhhhh......yeah" he replied.

"you are such a douche! i said where have you been ? and you said'yes'? what kinda answer is that?" she shouted as she hit him with her Calculas book.

"hey! that hurts!" " well ,you should have thought about it before!" "haha....very funny" he said lightly touching her nose.

" So are you coming tomorrow?" she spoke under her breath .Mostly because she was really nervous for her match tomorrow.No one could blame her. It was her first match representing Chicago against Utah.

"uhhh...yeah....the match right?"


"hey....i gotta run. Talk to you later?"


As she was walking towards her class ,she ran into Xavier who was standing beside his locker.

" what happened yesterday?" she chuckled nervously.

"uhhh...what ? i dont think we are on the same page. I mean what exactly are you talking about?" he gave the answer without any hesitation.

" So you wanna act like nothing happened? right !" she said ,lifting both of her eyebrows.

" uhhh... i mean....its not that i don't like you..."

"So you don't like me? Fine by me."

"No.No. thats not what i meant....." he got hold of her hand and spoke softly in her ear.So that only she could hear. " I like you.....I like you ,like you don't even know...." then he pushed back a strand of hair and kissed her on the cheek. That might be his only humane moment with Spencer. Otherwise he likes to keep his swag.

"Oh! Who is she?"

"Freshmen." Spencer replied and acted like she wasn't interested in the talk anymore.

"Oh! I like freshmen. They are so......"

"Fresh?" Rachel completed hi sentence from behind. Now walking towards them.

"Yeah. So fresh." he chuckled.

" So and Spencer didn't mix?" she asked in a bitchy tone. Like I-am-so-happy-you-aren't-together tone.

"No. Spencer and I are pretty much together." Xavier was the one who replied. A little too quickly.

"k girls.As much as I would love to stand here and catch up on all the girl drama, i gotta run....gonna be late for class."

"okay.See ya later." Both of them replied.

"So...hey..." Spencer was the first one to break the ice.

" Look ,lets get a few things straight. You stay out of my hair and i won't bother you. okay? Is that clear to you?Rachel was crossing a line now.

"Look bitch, just because you can spin straw into gold and can impress Sam.....i don't think i'm gonna be nice to you! You mean nothing to me. Got that, bitch."

"huh....funny....and up until now i was thinking you were dyke. Going after my hand me downs....Nice work....Keep that up and you'll end up alone."

" Keep being a bitch and you'll die alone."

Rachel smirked.

" You know....this necklace....remember this?" She was holding the necklace that Sam had shown her last month. It belonged to her mother and he had said that he would only give this necklace to a girl who was worthy of love and who was deserving.

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