Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Percian-Perci on FanFiction

Chapter Thirteen


"See?" Trent said, "This is why Nurse Juel said no field activities." He studied my ankle and picked me up.

"Well, it's better now than later! I could've been killed in battle!"

He frowned, "Don't say that."

"I'm gonna!" I said stubbornly.

For the second time this week, Trent set me down on the bed in the infirmary. "I thought I told you no field activities!" Nurse Juel had a huge frown on her face."

"I had to train," I said, "I can't just sit around like a helpless monkey!"

"You think you're a helpless monkey?" she asked. "Honestly, Violet, you must realize you can't be afraid of looking bad because you're hurt."

"But I don't care if I look bad!" I replied, trying not to scream, "I just want to fight. Help people live, and whatnot!"

"You can't help people live right now. You have a broken ankle."

I cursed and Nurse Juel just glared at me.

"A broken ankle?" Trent asked. "Can you heal it?"

Nurse Juel frowned, "A while ago, yes. Now, not so much."

"Crap," was all I said.

"Be calm, I'll fix you somehow. But you probably won't be sent out in a search party."

I wanted to cry. No search party? How can she not heal me? Is she just saying that? Or is it the truth? So many questions, so little time.

Trent frowned at me, "I told you to wait and you'd be fine."

"Shut up Trent! I don't care! I just want to find them!" I was almost screaming at this point.

"Calm down!" Trent said, almost screaming himself.

"I hate this so much! I can't do anything because of this stupid crap! It's Izzabela's fault any of this happened! Trent, you knew! Why didn't you tell? None of this would've happened if you'd told someone! It's partly your fault now, too!" I was screaming now.

"Trent," Nurse Juel said, "You should go."

"I can't get it much further than this," Nurse Juel said, studying my ankle. "It's going to be sprang for a week or so."

"Can you finish it off tomorrow?" I asked, "Before all of the announcements of the teams?"

She frowned, "No, I can't. I'm sorry. Now go to your room and rest."

I stood up and limped back to my room. I had to pick the look to get in. As soon as the door opened I ran-limped to my bed and plopped down on it. I fell asleep instantly.

I had a dream that Caitlyn came and healed my ankle. When I finally woke up, the bandage around my foot was gone and I could move it.

"Caitlyn?" I whispered into the silence, "Did you do this?"

"Who else would?" she asked, materializing in front of me.

"I-I can see ghost? But I'm a Humanity User!"

"You aren't just a Humanity User, Violet," she said. She wore the exact same outfit from the dance, but it wasn't ripped and there were no blood stains.

"Then what am I?"

"Well, in some cases, they'd call you a Death User, who his connected to the devil."


"But, you're an Energy User."

"Wait a minute! Death and Energy?"

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