|*| Forty Seven |*|

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|*| thanks for 8K you guys rock!! :) |*|

After the Howler, Aquila decided to not attend her classes that day. She walked back to the Slytherin tower alone. However, on the way there, she heard something shocking.

"You know if she catches us there'll be hell to pay." It was the voice of Alexis Greenwall.

Oooh! This is her little secret! Aquila smirked, tiptoeing closer to her voice. This must be why she's so happy all the sudden! And maybe why she stopped annoying me.

"She won't find out," a new voice said. Aquila immediately recognized it as one of the Weasley twins.


"But what if she does?" Alexis asked.

"She won't, Ali," the unknown twin said.

Oooh! He has a nickname for her!

"But if she does-"

"You've got to be more optimistic, Ali," he said. "Let's not think about She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named right now, okay? Let's focus on us."

Which twin is it? Say his name, Lexi! Say his freakin' name!

"Did you tell your brother about us?" Alexis asked.

"Not yet, but he's got his suspicions," the twin said. "I promised you I wouldn't tell him until you wanted me to."

"Thanks, Fred."


Aquila literally ran from where she was hiding and went to the common room. "Oh my cheese puff!" she shouted into the empty room. "That girl is such eyebrow sweat!"

"What are you going on about now, Whitman?"

Aquila's head snapped around, and she saw Carlos standing by the window.

"Nothing of importance to you," she said cooly. "Why are you here?"

"Same as you," he said.

"You also got a Howler from your parents calling you a disgrace and are skipping class because you're sad? What are the odds?"

Carlos snorted. "Someone forget to tell their mommy and daddy they had a boyfriend."

"Not funny, Carl," she said.

"Carl?" He asked. "Are we close enough for nicknames?"

"Well, we're going to be spending the whole day together," she said, "so we might as well be nice to each other."

"Well, I suppose Carl is alright then," he said. "So, Quil, what's the plan for the day?"

"Oh! Let's sneak up to the astronomy tower and stargaze!"

"In broad daylight? Quil, that's stupid."

"I realize that now, Carly. I just love the stars. I'm Star Girl after all."

"Wait," Carlos said, "did you just call me Carly?"

"Um... yeah..."

He sighed, "Isn't Star Girl an insult?"

"Only if you make it one," she said, smiling. "I personally like it now."

"Alright then," he said, "let's just hang here. I think we should get to know each other better."

"I feel like there's a catch," Aquila suspected.

"No catch," he promised.

"I don't trust you," she said.

"That's reasonable," Carlos said, sighing. "I do always bring up touchy subjects. I promise; I won't talk about Cassie or the Dark Lord or any of that. Just a friendly chat."

"Great," Aquila exclaimed. "Let's start with the basics. What's your favorite magical beast?"

"The demiguise."

"Um... why?"

"Because they turn invisible and can see the future."

"I have a friend who can see the future," Aquila said.

"I don't care," Carlos said.

"My favorite animal is the nundu because it's scary."

"That's a relief," he said, laughing. "I thought it'd be something stupid like the flobberworm."

"There is nothing stupid about flobberworms!"

"Here we go..."


"I'm honestly shocked," Aquila said. "We managed to get through the whole day, and I didn't kill you."

"I have to say I wasn't expecting this," he said. "Abby and Alexis should be getting back from class soon."

At the mention of Alexis, Aquila but her lip. She had to tell someone about what she witnessed in the corridors between Fred and her.

But it couldn't be Carlos. Aquila knew, deep down, that if she told him, he'd use the information as revenge on her. Plus, she had been in a similar situation with Cedric before her parents found out. She couldn't jeopardize their relationship. Fred was a good friend of hers, and she considered Alexis a friend as well.

"I've got one more question for you, Carly," Aquila said. "Do you like Cassie?"

"Isn't this a touchy subject?" he asked. "We were having such a good day."

"I'm not asking about her," Aquila said. "I just want to know if you like her. Like... as more than a friend? Do you like Cassiopeia?"

"I honestly don't know," he said. "She's so illusive, like a cat. She's nice to look at, but you don't know what she's thinking ever."

"And is that considered likable to you?"

"I... I don't think so," he admitted. "She's pretty and all, but that's it. She's just pretty. Don't tell her this, but she's a little fake to me. There's nothing genuine about her except her hatred. I prefer people with more depth."

"I know exactly what you mean," Aquila said. "People like her are shallow."

"Her parents aren't any better," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Who are her parents?" she asked.

"You don't know?" Carlos asked.

"No, that's why I asked."

"The Carrows. The Death Eaters."

Aquila facepalmed, "This makes so much sense now! Why didn't I see this before?"

"See what?" he asked.

"Her actions aren't out of hatred, Carls! She's a Ravenclaw, not a Slytherin, so her parents are disappointed! She's trying to prove to them she's like them! She's doing their bidding; converting children to the dark side! Merlin, Carlos, you're a genius!"

"I didn't say anything," he said.

"I know," Aquila said. "I was just tying to be nice."

"It didn't work."

|*| wow carly |*|

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