Chapter 4: Closer

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ELOISE WOKE UP HAPPY that day as her phone dinged with a new message from Jude. It had become a regular routine; Eloise would wake Jude up for his 5 AM morning run, and when Jude returned after breakfast, he would wake Eloise up for her classes.

Just like that, Eloise woke up to Jude's message.


Wake up, you bunny head, or you're gonna be late.

Eloise smiled, exiting the messaging app and then opening the gallery to look at the picture she had taken of Jude from her phone. Resting his face on the cup of her hand hoisted up on the elbow, she stared at his smile.

The caption had been one of full sarcasm when Eloise had suggested it to him, but now it had ended up on his feed, and she was to blame for it. Her eyes drank the sincerity of his smile, and unintentionally a smile crept on her face, which was wiped off with Jude's text again.


I swear to god if you're still nappin', I'll kick you out of bed myself.

Eloise groaned. Why did Jude have to be an athlete? He was too disciplined for her liking. She stretched her arms and then brushed her teeth, hopping into the shower. Having a nice bath, she then sat down to have her breakfast when Jude called. It was a FaceTime call. It was a first, especially at this hour. Though Jude did inform that he was enjoying a break from training.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" Jude greeted, his face filling the screen with a wide smile.

"Morning, Mr. Early Bird," Eloise replied, stifling a yawn.

"What are you having for breakfast?" Jude asked, trying to peer at her bowl.

"Cereal," Eloise answered, taking a bite.

"Cereal first or milk first?" Jude asked, raising an eyebrow.

Eloise grinned. "Cereal first, obviously. Only psychopaths put milk first."

Jude laughed. "Debatable. Milk first ensures the cereal doesn't get soggy too quickly." Eloise scrunched up her nose at that and Jude just smiled wide admiring her.

"That's crazy talk," Eloise said, shaking her head. "¿Estás loco?"

Jude stared blankly at her. "Umm, translation, please?"

Eloise giggled. "It means, 'Are you crazy?'"

Jude chuckled. "You know, you could just teach me Spanish properly instead of throwing random phrases at me." Jude did have a teacher in Spanish only two blocks away but he wanted this banter to never end so he played along.

"But where's the fun in that?" Eloise teased. "Now, help me pick an outfit for today."

Eloise turned her phone around to show her closet. "Okay, what do you think? The blue dress or the white top with jeans?"

Jude scrutinized the options. "Go with the white top and jeans. It looks comfy and chic."

"Chic, huh? Someone's learning fashion terms," Eloise said, smiling as she pulled out the outfit.

"Only because I have a fashionable teacher," Jude replied, winking.

As Eloise dressed she turned off the camera and Jude completely understood why. His voice echoed on speaker, "Do you have an evening shift today too?"

"Uhmmm," Eloise searched through her schedule. "Yup! I do have an evening shift today."

Jude's face lit up at the information. "Wonderful! Vini and I are having a FIFA outing at his house, and we may try making hamburgers today. I'll pack some, and we'll have dinner together."

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