I, Singto Prachaya Ruangroj, The world's most secretive fanboy - Prologue

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Note by the author,

Now that some time has passed and I have had the chance to reflect a little I do not think this story to be good. But on the insistence and requests of those who want to reread it I will keep it published.

Krist's dialogue is in bold
Singto's dialogue is underlined
Thoughts in diaglogues are in italics,

The life of a student who viewed life as I did was pretty boring for an outsider. I didn't party, I didn't really socialize nor did I go out with people to have fun. I was one of those people who were shy and silent and lived their life without much ado, serious, resilient and yet always observing from the background, afraid to stand out but too curious to withdraw. I must admit however that I didn't find my life bleak at all, I read tons of books and comics, often went on trips, be it alone, to nature reserves and historical places, went to view movies and attended fan meetings of my Idol.

My classmates viewed me as a nerd, a crazy geek, a shy yet friendly person, who would help people with their homework or any other non-physical problem. I was weak in the physical realm but very smart, the speed at which I chunked through books and the lessons was amazing. My parents had often complained that I didn't have much friends. This however wasn't something I really cared about, I was happy like this, I didn't really need much people around me. Besides, it would drain me to the point of absolute exhaustion. All the company I needed I got at school and at my parent's home in the weekends. During weekends I would be home with my parents while the other days I stayed in a small apartment payed for by my allowance and the salary I got from working in the family company.

It was 6:30 and my alarm went of sparking my daily routine. From 6:40 to 7:00 I would go outside to jog. Then from 7:05 to 7:25 I took my hot shower at 39,5 deg. After that I went towards the kitchen to prepare my breakfast. I loved pancakes and usually had them together with a bottleload of syrup, when I finished my breakfast I'd go to the bathroom to handle all the dirty laundry before Ironing everything I washed the day before. When I had finished that routine it usually was time to go to school. If not I would review my homework and make some edits. I had a very flexible schedule but I always left home at 9:30 for a 15 minute drive on my bicycle. At school I would first drop off my homework before going either to my class or straight towards the library. There I would make my homework, before getting an interesting book and search for a good place to read. I loved politics and history and had read nearly anything in the library by now that was in my interests. When it was lunch time I would grab a lunch in the faculty canteen before leaving and going to the cathedral that stood near the university. I was an avid lover of classical music, I often went to concerts.

Sometimes it was said to me that For an introvert like me I was extremely focused on my image, I dressed neat and formal cultivating a similar image among the other students. It might be true, it was comforting to have a nice and safe look, at least people knew what they could expect.

This all isn't to say though that I haven't got any friends or so cause I do, but they are small in number and don't play a really big role in my life. I usually engage in debate with them over time to verify my ideas about politics etc. My friendships thus usually revolved around shared interests in whatever the subject might be. I had been busy for years creating an alternative system to govern a nation while at other times I would debate the cause and consequences of a certain historical event.

I had a loving family, my parents weren't too rich but we also weren't poor, I'd say we live a decent live but yet without much extravagance. My father was often away for his work but my mother was always at home. My grandparents were both dead, I never knew them, they died when I was 1,5 years old. I had a brother who was one year younger than I was and a sister of 2 years old.

At the university I was studying Public governance and organizational consultancy. It was a hybrid study that combined many field but basically it groomed me to become a policy adviser or business consultant. Seeing where my interests laid my career was pretty clear for me, I already had my plans ready about what to do once I would have finished my study. But that would have to wait some time though, I was only in the first year and though I wasn't struggling with the substance the social part around it was more challenging. I had skipped the hazing part of the study and that really didn't give me any friends, but I was too sensitive and shy to attend these meetings, I might put up a very hard and formal shell but that was just a shield to wear off anything that could harm me. I also didn't join a club, instead I and two friends had formed an informal debate group. Every week one of us would pick an issue to debate and we'd prepare ourselves and compete. Those people also had been involved in my personal expiriment to make a new government system and had made their own, creating a whole fantasy world of our own, with included diplomatic relations, trade wars, real wars, cold wars and peace treaties etc. It was one of these few things I truly loved.

Once I got home my routine became as predictable as it was in the morning. At 18:00 I would arrive at home, then at 18:45 dinner would be ready, at 19:15 young sheldon would be on TV then from 19:45 till 21:30 I would read a book or comic before going to bed. As said my day was pretty predictable and though people might say I go to the bios and out for getting clothes I did all those things alone without any other people arould. People would never really come to visit my place because I wouldn't let them. It was my safe haven, the place that was mine and where I could be me without anybody around to take advantage.

I know I live a pretty shielded live but I like it this way, the peace and quiet. People around me were talking about getting their mate and such but I was a bit scared about it, I was an omega being pared with an Alpha how would I be sure I wouldn't be hurt? I had seen and heard enough of Alpha's treating their mates badly and somehow I did not really want a mate right now. When I needed my monthly dose of fluff and loveness I would go to a Krist fanmeet, disguised to prevent being recognized, but squeeling from inside the suit and mask (guess three times who I disguise as). I admired Krist with my whole soul, he was a rolemodel, a person who I looked up to because he was something I'd never be able to become in ways of spontaneity, happiness, freedom.

When I opened the door of my dorm it was late, I had gone to see a movie in the bios and returned late.

I will update this at least twice a week on Tuesdays and on Fridays. I don't think it will be updated as often as the unseen love because I want this story to be a bit more coherent.

I have exams so update schedule starts next week friday. Take this as a teaser


Krist: Who is this so called fanboy?

Author: why do you want to know?

Krist: is he my mate?

Author: how should I know?

Krist: You create this story?

Author: So what? I won't share everything that is in my mind!

Singto: But we all know it's me don't we?

Author: Grrr, both of you shut your mouth!

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