Prince Charming?

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Whenever his around I always seem to smile and blush profusely. I can't stop thinking about him. Well yeah! He still hasn't given my tour of the school yet. Hopefully he does...I guess

I held that thought and walked over to my group. "Hey guys, so what song are we going to perform?" I asked. They all turned around with a big smile on their faces from ear to ear.

Oh gosh! Here we go again.

"So, what was going on there with my ultimate crush since 7th grade huh Hayley?" Esther asked with a smirk on her face. So much for my wing-women.

"Umm he asked me about what music I liked and favourite band then he got called by his group so yeah, thats all" I said and walked towards the chair and sat on it.

They all gathered around me and stared at me. This is getting creepy. "Omg! You, Hayley and Daniel are such a cc! Cutee coupleee! Ahhh!" Angel whispered screamed. Any louder Daniel could have heard that, these girls are crazy. 

"Omg, when you 2 were talking and blushing to each other, it felt like destiny, Hayley" Angel walking around in circles doing hand gestures.

"You are finally going to break the curse between that whore Taylor and Prince Charming Daniel, they do not work! Not enough chemistry! We have to get you and him together!" woah this girl is really confident, that a regular girl like me is gonna have a chance with Daniel.

'The Star quarterback and captain of the football team'. I don’t think so...

"Come on guys, give her a break, you're gonna scare her" Ben says grabbing Angel from the hand and pulling her back.

"Thanks guys, but I just came here and your already planning in getting Daniel and I together, you gotta slow it down, its only my first day, I hardley even know the guy so yeah, gotta chill ladies" I said over confident much. 

"Well I got over him in 10th grade, so his all your darling" Esther winked at me and went over to grab instruments from the stage.

"Prince Charming? Really Angel?" I asked trying to hold back a laugh. "I like thinking positive and yes Prince Charming! I love disney movies, hopefully I finally meet my Knight and shining armor!" She relplies re-enacting a scene from her drama class. 

"Well you guys are talking about too much girly stuff, I'm going to head to the boys over there, see you later" Ben says annoyed and headed towards the boys.

The girls and I laughed and had finally thought of ideas for our performance for the end of the term. 

The bell rang and it was recess. We packed up and headed to our lockers. 

Is Daniel my Prince Charming? Wow! Now I'm thinking like Angel. What if he is? So many questions are racing through my head I can't contain it anymore.

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