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I decided to make a female chapter instead of one group cause I have just random female idols lol.

I decided to make a female chapter instead of one group cause I have just random female idols lol

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——————————————————————————-y'all HyunA is my queen fr BUT WHEN I LISTENED TO LA VIE EN ROSE (I*ZONE) I WAS QUAKING CAUSE OOF EUNBI (not the same eunbi from above lol) WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DO YOU ACTUALLY SLAY ME?! Sorry bout that lol anyways hope y...

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——————————————————————————-y'all HyunA is my queen fr BUT WHEN I LISTENED TO LA VIE EN ROSE (I*ZONE) I WAS QUAKING CAUSE OOF EUNBI (not the same eunbi from above lol) WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DO YOU ACTUALLY SLAY ME?! Sorry bout that lol anyways hope y'all have a good day! 💖

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