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You ran after Hermione after potions. She ran out before you could talk to her. You grabbed her arm and turned her to look at you. "Hermione let me explain-" She quickly cut you off. She shoved you hard but you didn't fall because of your hight. "No! You fucking cheated Y/n! OUt of all the people you slept with Draco Malfoy! Your just a Slytherin bitch slut! We're done Y/n!" She ran off and you ran to your common room to cry. You skipped the rest of your classes.

You don't remember much from that night. I went to dinner, went back to the common room, Draco came by and the rest was blurry.

You sat in potions. You could feel everyone's eyes glaring a hole in you. You ignored it and just listened to Professor Snape.

After class Draco Malfoy came up to you and wrapped and arm around your waist the trio glared at you. You elbowed Draco in the stomach. "Don't touch me bitch or I'll rip you and your little possy apart." He shivered and tried to play it off. You scoffed and walked off.

Later that day Pansy Parkinson came up to you with a black leather notebook. "Read it. You won't like what's inside." She walked off. You read it and it was no other than Draco's diary.

You stomped through the halls looking for Draco. You found him out in the courtyard bragging about how he got me to sleep with him to the trio. "Oh look, here comes the slut." That hurt you that Harry and Ron would say that. Hermione scoffed and turned away from me.

U stomped right up to Draco and looked him in the eye. "Pansy payed me a visit. Had something of yours." I grabbed him by his robes and punched him in the face. He did not call so I did it again until he did witch was about four times.

U took out the leather book from the pocket of my robes. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were looking at me like I was crazy and with hate, deep hate. I flipped to the page and read. There was now people around us. Thankfully we were in a place away from teachers. "So Draco. Let's show the people who think I'm a cheating slut what you did." I grabbed the book. " ' I poured the last ingredient to make the lust potion. It seems to be working according to the book. At dinner i poured the potion into Y/ n juice next to Pansy who was talking to much to notice. Now I wait. She drinks it and all I have to do is get her alone. ' You ruined my fucking life so you could have a one night fling with me! " You throw the book at him and then pin him to the ground.

You were punching him in the face and he was fighting back. He hit you in the face and you busted your lip. The teachers came to brake you up and you had a black eye, busted lip, nose bleed and a cut just above your eyebrows and your fists were dripping blood everywhere. Draco was much worse. He had a broken jaw and nose and a bunch of bruise s and cuts along with a black eye.

You got two months detention but did not get expelled because of the fact he put a lust potion in your drink. He got the whole year detention because they could not expelled him because of his dad.

You had bandages wrapped around your knuckles a s bandages on your face. You walked down the halls to go to the courtyard. You sat under a tree.

You heard someone coming but did not pay attention. You sat there with your head down low picking  the grass. You could barely move your hands. You were extremely sore. Hermione came into view and she crouched in front of you. She tilted your head up but your hair covers your face so she moved it to the side. A tear rolled down your cheek. She touched the cuts in your face.

She brought you into a hug. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know and I called you those names and I was such a bitch. I love you and I'm so sorry you had to be hurt like this baby. So sorry!" She said into your ear as you sobbed into her shoulder.

You grabbed onto her tightly. She kissed you and you felt much better. The next day Ron and Harry apologized and said they would have done the same to someone who hurt you. Harry was look ing at your hands. "Y/n doesn't that hurt." You looked at your hands and sighed. "My whole body hurts but my fists hurt the most. Honestly I knew I was there to beat him up but I didn't come prepared.

Harry and Ron laughed with you and then Hermione walked in. She sat next to you. "Y/n?" You hummed in response. " What was it like to fight someone? " You started. "Well it hurts your hands and Dracos punched were not to bad but during the moment you just feel rage and releif. But after. Holy shit that's a different story. He left me with a fucked up face and hands!" Hermione slapped you arms at your language and touched the cuts and bruises on your face. " I still think your beautiful. "

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