Chapter 1

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Blood. That is the last thing I remember about my family. At age of five I remember, in detail, how my mom and my sister were killed by humans. I could remember nothing before that but everything after. Alone in the woods I was found by a pack of wolves and was adopted by the alphas. For nearly 13 years they trained me to be a hunter, warrior, and a leader, do to an injury as a pup the Luna could not have pups. I though my way of living was normal and when I turned 16th I turned in to an actual wolf, on my 17th a cougar and an Egyptian Mau. Since that day I have turned in to so many other animals I have a photo album full of them, that day I found out I’m a shifter, a now almost dead species, and I’m the only known one the wolves know about. Well lets get on with the story.


"Mikia, wake up!" Kayla barked. Kayla is my best friend, a three year old russet color wolf with black paws. She is totally playful and loving, but the second best fighter in the pack. "Come on its a school day, you know Aru and Laya will get the pups to attack you again."

"I’m up, I’m up," I say getting up from my little bed of furs. If your wondering, yes I go to school, only because my parents tell me to and if I don’t I will be stupid and useless forever. I sigh as I go to the smaller waterfall to bath. The cool water going over my body feels great and wakes me up completely. Washing my hair and body quickly I step out of the water and slipping on a regular tank top and some jeans, I looked around for my tennis shoes only to find two scraps of material and some rubber.

"Pups," I groan.

"That wouldn’t happen if you would leave them in a tree," an old husky looking wolf chuckled.

"I did though ap, I guess not high enough," I muttered the last part.

Aru, or ap for me, chuckled again, "you are the kindest around, you will make a fine leader, a great alpha," he said.

"Don’t you start saying good bye yet, your not going anywhere," I stated firmly.

"Yes, but my time is coming soon, as is your mothers, you must be prepared and strong for you pack," he said and walked away.

There he goes again, saying he’s leaving me soon. I knew he was saying he was dying and so was mamma. They are not as young as they use to be and were weakening. I dreaded to think of a life without ap and mom. How will we survive?

I snapped out of my thoughts as the usual name-calling began. Huh? Didn’t even notice had I arrived at school. "Hey, wolf girl eat any deer lately?" called a slut

"Wanna bring your wolves over to play catch?" yelled a jock

"To bad you can’t talk, if you did all that would come out would be woof, woof, bark," said a play-boy.

Yeah I don’t talk at school, I use sign language. In school piano, guitar, and art are my voices, and no one can take that away. They are the only thing that keep my sane in this school. The teachers know that I have a bad temper and if something is really bothering me is let me go to the gym to let anger out on punching bags, to the music room if I’m upset, or to the art room to let out stress. Best part is I get extra credit for the work I do.

Sitting down in the back of the room the bell rings as the students pile in. This class is social studies and right now we are learning about Balto. In the middle of the lecture there was a knock on the door. Grumbling the teacher answered, "young man you are late!"

"Sorry, I got lost," said the student. That voice sent shivers down my spine, it was deep and masculine. Looking up I saw him, he’s got to be 6’7, large build, black hair and blue eyes. Those deep blue eyes caught and held mine as my wolf whispered one thing, "Mate", oh shit.

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