The Surprise

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First, I want to say sorry for any kind of English mistake. Second, I hope you'll enjoy this fanfic. It's my first fanfic ever and I'm really proud.


Doctor: Mrs. Ryu, congratulations! You're pregnant!

MC starts crying. She's too happy and she can't say any kind of words.

Doctor: Now, I think you want to know if it's a boy or a girl. It's...
MC with tears of joy : No! Please! I want to be... a surprise!
Doctor: I understand. It's your choice!

*Zen is at the rehearsals and he will be late home. He didn't know that MC went to the hospital. She wants to do something special for Zen before telling him the news.*

MC to herself: I'll cook something romantic and cute! And a gift I'll give him a pair of baby shoes! I hope he will be as happy as me.

*After some hours at home*

Zen enters in the house. He fells the special atmosphere. In the air, the smell of what MC cooked is amazing! He smiles and he says delicately : Babe, I'm home!

MC cames and kiss him on the cheek : Welcome home, dear!
Zen: What have you cooked ? It smells so good! I'm starving, honey! The rehearsals went awesome but, I'm so tired! *Zen looks into. the mirror on the hallway* It's ok... I'm still handsome! *Zen stays a moment and after he takes MC next to him* Look babe! Look how cute we are!

MC giggles and in that romantic atmosphere they kiss. C'mon Zenny! I also have something important to tell you, but let's eat first!
Zen: What happened?
MC: I will tell you after we eat something.
Zen: I'm so cuurioouss now *he laughs*

When Zen saw the well-aranged table he smiled. MC puts two glasses of champagne.

MC: I hope you'll like!
Zen: Of course I will like everything is made by the love of my life!

*They start eating and MC can see how impatient is Zen*

Zen: But something so important happened that made you do all of these?
MC: Do you remember the night after the last party...3 months ago?
Zen: Yes! I remember every night spent together....MC!? Did my beast left you with a scar? .... because I feel like it's awakening now...
MC: No! Lol Zen and anyway it's not the perfect time for the beast! Look! I can explain you everything with a gift.

*MC gives him a small and nicely packed gift. She has too many emotions. His red eyes gleam and his hands tremble a little. Zen is confused but he understands it's something important.*

Everything is interrupted by the messaging sound. Jumin Han is online and he's taking with Seven and his assistant. Nervous, Zen grabs his phone, stops it, and throws it on the sofa.


MC laughs and then she's looking to Zen who made a cute, funny and grumpy face.

Zen: I was about to open the gift.
MC: Yes, please!

While he was drinking some champagne, Zen was opening the gift. In the next second, he spit the champagne at sight of the baby shoes.

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