Schwarzwald, the Black Forest

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"I can't believe this is happening to me."

I stood in Rhine Valley, Germany. My parents had lent me our castle in a village and I was to live here alone. They took away all of my technology, supposedly to "make me enjoy nature." I was given some money to buy new clothes in the village, but only to an extent. All of my items were to be replaced with regular things, and my goal was to learn how to save money.

If I fail and my parents have to take me back home, I will not earn an inheritance. I groaned at the thought. At least I got to stay in a fancy castle, I thought to myself as I opened the castle gates. No more servants or cooks, I'll have to rely on myself.

An abundance of weeds and overgrown plants filled the garden inside the castle gates. The castle itself looked more dirty and mossy as I walked on a broken stone path towards the main entrance. I took out a shiny key and set my luggage down. I only brought a small suitcase with necessary items for the first day. Unlocking the door, I turned the knob and entered the castle. A disgusting smell hit me.

"Gross!!" I screamed inside the castle. Unfortunately, no one heard me and no one would take the smell away. I looked for a light switch and turned the old chandelier on. Spiderwebs hung everywhere, and the dust made me sneeze. I teared up as I realized I would be the only one who could clean this up.

"Why me?? WHY MUST MY PARENTS TORTURE ME??!" My voice echoed through the empty hallways. Sobbing, I took my light luggage and began walking up the stairs, cringing everytime something dirty appeared.

I checked every room I could find and judged each one by it's appearance. Room number one was fairly clean, but room number six had a nicer color to it. I decided to stay in room six and stop my room searching because honestly, I didn't care about the other castle rooms. Setting my luggage in the bed, I changed into my pajamas. My stomach growled. I had traveled all day and didn't get to eat anything, besides the fancy fillet in first class this morning.

Knowing the castle didn't have any food and the kitchen is basically useless, I put on a jacket and decided to walk outside. Maybe there was a fancy restaurant around here, but I'd have to walk there. I had made my way downstairs and opened the front door when I realized I was still wearing pajamas. Lazily, I ran upstairs and changed into some regular Gucci clothing, which I had managed to sneak out of my parents' house.

I elegantly walked downstairs and noticed the front door was shut.

"What the hell, I sware I had it open? Now I'm going to have to open another door myself, just when I really needed my servants. Ugh." I opened the door and slammed it shut. At that moment, I could've sworn I had seen a shadow near the stairway, but I didn't give a damn. I was too angry to do anything.

I did manage to find a small pub and had a pathetic meal inside it. All the villagers gave me dirty looks and I don't understand why someone would do such a thing to me, so I flipped them off.

I was kicked out of the pub.

Scowling, I ran into a young German girl.

"Watch where you're going, little bi-" I stopped. The girl held unto my legs, sobbing and crying.

"Help me, please, help me!" She cried desperately. Her english had a British accent to it. On a regular day, I would've laughed and left, but not today. It was my chance.

"I'll help you if you help me. Clean my castle, cook for me, and serve me for free," I smiled proudly. My parents would've never thought of this plan.

"Castle? Yes, please take me! I have nowhere to stay, please!" Her tears ceased and she smiled, "My name is Marcela, and I'm ten years old, what's your name?"

"Listen up, scum, I don't need to tell you any information. All you need to know is that you're my servant and your opinion doesn't matter. Now, come on, we're going to the market and getting some food so you can cook for me." I dragged her by the arm and she followed quietly.

Together, we managed to buy some groceries and went back to the castle, arms loaded. Marissa or whatever her name is ran ahead of me, obviously nervous and scared.

"Punk, what's your problem?" I asked, annoyed.

"Do you really want to know?" She asked, looking back.

"Obviously, that's why I asked, dammit Michelle."

"Umm.. Marcela, not Michelle. I'll tell you when we get to your castle, if that's alright." She said shyly.

"It's not alright," I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, but now you have to carry my half of the groceries," I threw them on the ground and watched her pick them up while I crossed my arms and tapped my foot impatiently. Dammit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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