I glance up at the crowd, my eyes pleading for help. I knew everyone saw how I changed. How I transitioned to happy-go-lucky Marinette to grey eyed, pale faced, lonely Marinette.

"You don't deserve to live," said one person.

"You are a mistake to society," says another.

"Why don't you go jump off a cliff and die?"

"Obviously no one cares about you!"

"You're useless," I hear Alya say.
I shift my gaze to her, seeing anger, frustration, and guilt laced in her eyes. Still silently pleading for help, I feel my pants getting wet.

Still looking up at my classmates, they were looking at my leg, with surprise.
I look, and my eyes widen. While I was zoned out, someone stabbed my leg with a knife. Reality rushing back to me, the pain acknowledged itself in my leg, and I cried out in pain. My tears suddenly spilling. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care if they saw me crying. Didn't care if they saw me in pain. I hoped that someone would help, although no one did.

The bell rang, and the silence in the room disappeared once everyone started moving around, feet shuffling, some whispering.

I started to feel lightheaded, most likely from blood loss. Maybe this was the right way to die. I was already dead, dead inside.

A few minutes had passed, and I felt like I was on the brink of passing out. My vision becoming hazy, I heard Ms. Bustier rushing towards me.
"Oh Marinette, what happened to you?" she asked, but I didn't answer. I just faded into the world of dreams and nightmares.

**time skip**

Feeling drowsy, I woke up. I was confused for a minute because I couldn't recognize where I was. Suddenly, it all came flooding back. I. WAS. STABBED. IN. THE. LEG. shit. I still felt the pain. Not only the pain that lingered in my leg, the the humiliation when everyone stared at me, crying, begging for help. Oh how I wished I knew why everyone turned on me!

"Marinette?" I heard, from the corner of the room. Ms. Bustier was sitting in a chair, grading papers. "How are you feeling Sweetie?"

"I'm fine," I say, no emotion, just lies lacing my voice. " When can I leave, this place?" I ask, gesturing with my hands the room. The teacher just stared at me, concern in her eyes. "You can leave whenever you want. The nurse stopped the bleeding and bandaged up your leg."

After hearing her say that, I get up and grab my things. I look up at the clock, it was lunch time. "I expect you to be in class, but if you really don't feel well, I permit you to go," she says behind me. "I'll see you in class then," I reply, and open the door.

The sound ceased to exist once I stepped out. I looked up at everyone that was enjoying their food, and saw them staring at me, at my leg. I look back down, and head back to the place where I was first hurt.

I open my locker and find notes in it. I grab the small, folded paper, and open it. Inside, there were a few scribbled words.
"Go kill yourself"
I just stared at it, knowing what was going to be in the rest of the notes that laid unopened. I placed the note back where it was, and open my bag. I took out the previous folders and binders, replacing it with my afternoon ones. I grabbed my lunch as well, to be thrown out.

Closing my locker, I turned and realized how much pain I felt in my leg. My face immediately scrunched up, and my eyes threatened to spill new tears. I breathed in and out, a few times, to calm myself down.

Miraculous one shots. sin. literally anything i want. :PМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя