Ch. 5: Hei Ran

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I woke up feeling fresh and well-rested. The twins had slept the whole night, without crying even once. It was six a.m., which meant that they needed to be fed and probably changed. 

- Hi- I said. - how did you sleep, Min Min?-.

He smiled.

- Great- he said. - the twins behaved wonderfully-.

I sighed.

- It is high time they behaved well- I said, smiling. - its their feeding time. I should get up and feed them-.

- Wait- he said. - stay in bed for two more minutes. I just want to admire your beauty for some more minutes-.

I smiled and I laid again.

- You are meeting her today, aren't you?- I asked.

- It depends. I've got to do some research so as to find out where she lives and that stuff. It might not be today, but it will certainly be tomorrow- he said.

- Okay then- I said. - no matter when it is, chill out. You'll be great-.

I sat on the bed.

- Now yes, I've gotta go before the twins start crying- I said.

I got up and went to the twins' room. 

- Ah!- I screamed. - Min Hyuk!-.

He came running towards me.

- They are gone- I said. - oh my god, they are gone!-.

- Theres a note here- he said.

The note said the following: " If you want to get back your daughters, then come to the Richmond Hotel at 1pm. Bring some company documents; we have to do some business ".

- I know who this is- he said.


I read the note twice. I couldn't believe it. Was this really what I thought it was?. Was this Hei Ran's attempt to negotiate?. 

I thought about what could I say to Bong Soon. "Hey, this is just my psycho sister trying to do some business with me" didn't sound right.

- Look, I'll go to Richmond Hotel at 1pm to get them back. I'll explain this after I get them back because theres some things I've got to know first, okay?- I explained. - so don't you worry, I'll get the twins back-.

- You sure you won't need some... some blunt force?- she said. - because I'll hit whoever takes our babies away from us-.

- Listen, I think the person who's behind this is not so bad as I think she is. I just need to talk- I said. - I promise that if I need your help, I'll call you-.

* * *

I wanted to go to the Richmond Hotel immediately. I wanted to take back my beautiful princesses and also talk some sense into Hei Ran. Perhaps she thinks I am as stubborn and rude as my father - I thought. I didn't want to think that she was actually willing to harm two babies to get some money.

- I'm terrified- I said to Bong Soon.

- I wish I could tell you otherwise- she answered. - its quarter to one. Hurry up-.

Bong Soon had to take one sleeping pill in order to not freak out. She was a little bit doped, so she was talking slowly and sometimes I couldn't really understand what she was saying. 

- I should go now- I said. - please stay inside, okay?. I love you-.

- Me too- she said.

* * *

As soon as I got there I could see two or three men wearing suits. They were looking at each other, as if they were waiting for something to happen.

I got out of the car and one man walked towards me.

- The boss is waiting for you inside- he said. - your daughters will be given to you at the end of your conversation-.

I went into the hotel. The place was silent and the only person I could see was the receptionist. She kindly smiled and told me to go upstairs to the conference room. I went to that room and knocked the door.

- Come in- a female voice said.

I opened the door.

- Mr. Ahn- a red haired girl said. - welcome. My name is Hei Ran, but you may call me Mrs. Ahn. I guess that our father told you about my existence. If not, then you should know I am your half sister-.

She stared at me.

- Take a sit, please- she said.

I sat on a chair that was in front of her.

- As you've heard, I want actions from our fathers' company. I know you have your own company, Ainsoft. I don't intend to disturb you in any way. I just want something from our father... that piece of garbage. Anyways, will you help me?- she asked.

- How?- I asked

- Persuasion, manipulation. You've got your own techniques, right?- she said. - in exchange... well, theres really nothing in exchange. You can choose to leave now if you want, I'll give you back your daughters. And by the way, I'm sorry. I didn't want to cause any trouble... I just took them to make an excuse-.

She was about to cry, I could feel it.

- I grew up at foster care- she said. - I was never actually adopted. I had to work for years at hideous places... I want to get an economical retribution for all that. You and your other siblings lived in peace, with high quality education, a big as fuck house... meanwhile I was out there. The blood that runs through my veins is the same as yours. But somehow I had to make my way up from nothing and you and the other didn't. Its not revenge. And you and our siblings are not the ones to pay for this. This was our father's mistakes. Lets make him pay for them-.

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