"Stand and draw! I ride, Abyssal Owl! Vicreau slides back. Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Ritual: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw! I ride, Wingal Youth, and Wingal Brave moves back! Boosted by Brave, Youth! (7000 > 12000)"

"No guard!"

"Drive check! (Blazing Jewel Knight, Rachelle) Critical, all to vanguard! (12000 > 17000/1★ > 2★)"

"Damage check! (Dragfall, Luard, Cursed Eye Raven) Stand, all to vanguard. (7000 > 12000)"

"Turn end." Rukia said.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2
Ritual: 0

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw! Say, Rukia." Spectre said.


"You were Yza's girlfriend, weren't you?"

"And what if I am?" Rukia mumbled.

"You must really want to find him... I ride, Morfessa."

"Of course I do... but right now, there's no need to drag him into our conversation..."

"Maybe there is... Call, Gaunan! His skill, counterblast and discarding a grade 1 with Ritual, drawing two cards! Gaunan attacks! (9000)"

"I know you won't tell me anything unless I win. Rachelle! (17000)"

"I never mentioned anything about withdrawing all information."

"Then tell me." Rukia said, narrowing her eyes. "Or are you bluffing?"

"The reason Yza wasn't found on Zeon's scanner was because Yza has left Cray. Boosted by Vicreau, Morfessa! (9000 > 14000)"

"What...? No... that's not possible...?"

"Oh, it is very possible..." Spectre giggled. "Yza's right here, on Earth. He's closer then you think..."

"Could Yza be Spectre...?" Zeon spoke up quietly.

"No... don't think like that..." Rukia shook her head. "No guard!"

"Are you curious for answers? Drive check! (Draglancer, Daellad)"

"Where's the evidence? Damage check! (Star Hope Trumpeter)"

"Clever girl. The evidence is unfortunately in my brain, so unless you want to use that information you gained as a nurse to dissect my head, you won't be getting any. Turn end."

"So it is just a bluff... what else could I expect from a guy who's too scared to show his own face."

"If you saw my face... you'd regret it."

"Could Yza be Spectre...?" Zeon spoke up quietly.

Rukia shook her head again, putting a hand on her face. Using her fingers to rub her temples, she closed her eyes and swallowed a lump in the back of her throat. Opening them again, she focused on what was in her hand, and let out a calm and collected breath.

Hand: 6
Damage: 2
Ritual: 1

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! Appear, avatar of light! I ride, Blaster Blade!" Rukia exclaimed, the vanguard circle expanding luminous blue. "Just so you know... whatever you say about Yza, I'll take it with a grain of salt."

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