..Insight-Childhood edition..

Start bij het begin

"Aw, isn't that too bad." she said to herself, sarcastically at that. She chucked it over her head and it hit the corner diagnolly across from her. Alana glanced all around the room to make sure no one saw, not even her own sister. "There we go." she pulled out boots from a stash in her bed. Football brought her a certian comfort, to play on her own is the way she liked it. Not only did she use two months worth of babysitting the Terrible Two next door, she also had to use three months of pay from making food for parties with her sister in order to buy a pair of Nike boots so that Alana could properly play football.

Now she was known to her mother as the one who could feel things that made her uncomfortable. As Alana pulled out her boots, a sudden feeling of abnormality fell over her. She squinted her eyes, it was as if she could almost smell it. It wasn't her normal Sunday, because it seemed to be missing some sort of element.

"Ana?" she heard her sister call from down the hallway. Katilina started running towards the room that was for the twins. "Ana!" Alana took the chance to stuff the boots back into her stash and turned around with an innocent smile.

"Yeah Kat?" she asked with her hands behind her back. Alana's eight year old mind didn't let her know that putting her hands behind her back didn't make her look any less guilty. No one was supposed to know that she bought boots with hard earned money.

"Ana. Have you seen pai?" she asked. Alana shook her head. "Are you sure?"

"No!" she didn't see why this was a big idea. "Pai is just doing business like he always does." Alana smiled.

"Ana. His stuff is gone." Katilina said while glancing inside of the room.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Alana's eyebrows knitted together as she looked into her nine year old sister's eyes.

"Alana." Katilina said while staring into her sister's hazel eyes. "This is important." Alana's eyes widened. "His stuff is gone."

"Where's he gone?" Alana asked as she followed Katilina out of the room.

"I don't know, but whatever you do, don't tell mama."


As time would tell, three days and no word from their father. Not that he was ever there to begin with, but he'd work from dusk until dawn at a rich man's house in Rio De Janerio. Alana's mother would constantly remind herself that she wasn't alone. The presence of her three children was just enough to keep her happy and distracted from all of their issues.

Alana hadn't really understood what was going on, instead, she would wake up early before school. She was getting excited the countdown to the ultimate international break. Alana was constantly mimicking what she saw on previews at her school. They had gotten a tv just so they could watch it once the tournament premired. Brazil's national team would be going for their fifth star, and it made her happy, as well as prideful for her country. Ronaldo Nazario was making his official comeback, and she was counting the days on her calendar.

"What are you doing?" Alana heard a voice call. She turned around, caught in her boots with a new ball. The ball was a gift from her friend because her friend saw major potential in her.

"Andrew?" she let the ball drop in front of her.

"Yeah it's me, what are you doing?" he asked her while pointing to her ball.

"Playing football. You know I love to play it." Alana said to him as she observed their two story house. Alana was nervous, because she felt inhumane for never spending correctly. She played it cool as he observed her boots, wondering where they had even came from.

"Yeah but like that, you'll never make club level is you can't look me and dribble at the same time." he stepped towards her while pointing at her weak foot, which was her right. "So you're left footed..."

"Yeah I am. I've always been..." Alana smiled at him. She did the elastico and kicked the ball and then headed it. She and her brother had never gotten along, but talking about football is something they'd gotten along well with.

"So have you always been up at sun rise just to play?" he asked.

"Of course I always am, I pray before I leave the house first." she said as she started to free style with the ball. He watched her in awe as she did things he had only ever seen professionals do.

"How do you do that?" he asked her. Eager to know.

"It's a God given talent Andrew, we all have something special from Him." She kicked the ball high up in the air. "Maybe pai will come back if he ever sees my skills."

"So do you think he will come back for you?" he asked. Alana closed her eyes with a sigh, but she saw the hope in her brother's eyes.

"Nope, not a chance." Alana said with a knowing smile, and kicked the ball high up in the air.


Hiiiii guys.

So here is the insight! This was originally supposed to give you a little bit of things so that you would be able to piece some things together. I hope this was clear enough, (just so you know, this is 2002).

It may seem random, but it does link chapter 11 (just a bit) to chapter 12 (basically a preview to chapter 12).

What did you think about this?

Update soon? God bless you guys :). Update goal is a little high this time, but maybe you guys can do it? If we don't reach it by next Wednesday, then I will probably update. So here it goes...

Update goal is






-570 reads?

I just feel that the book is long so far and maybe I need to slow down on the updating. Okay you guys. See ya.


God bless you :)



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