29. Dear Jake, I hate you.

Start from the beginning

Jake traces circles on my back. "I've never made love before this."

"What?" I say looking at him.

"I mean i've had sex but i've never made love."

I smile. "So i guess in a way i was your first?"

Jake smiles back at me. "Yeah. In a way."

I rested my head back on his chest. I was surprisingly wide awake.

"Jake? What do you want to do with your life?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean where do you want to go after college what do you want to do."

"Like a family kids and job?"


Jake thinks about it running his fingers over my naked back.

"I want to finish college get married buy a house get a dog have a couple of kids. The usual i guess."

I thought about Jake getting married and my stomach dropped. I almost laughed aloud. I was jealous of Jake's future wife. I'm pathetic. Before i can control myself i do laugh aloud.

"I don't think i said anything funny." Jake says confused.

"No it's nothing don't worry about it." I touch two fingers down on his chest making little legs and making the walk across his chest using his freckles as stepping stones.

"Tell me."

I sigh. "When you said get married i couldn't help but be jealous over your future wife."

I can here Jake smile in his voice when he answers. "You were?"

"Yeah. I am."

"What if you were her."

I pick my head up again my fingers stopping. I look at him. "What are you talking about?"

"What if i married you."

I thought about it. "Jake everybody breaks up over college. We only really have the summer to be together we'll probably try for a couple months but something will happen."

"Maggie i've loved you all my life there's no way i'd let college break us up just when i finally have you."

He kisses my lips.

"Maybe. But i just said that i loved you today i'm not really sure you should be picking out the cake just yet Jake."

"I made you love me Maggie i'm never letting you go now."

I lay my head back down continuing my fingers trek across his chest.

"Maybe." I sigh.

Jake laughs. "There's no maybe about it."

I roll my eyes even though he can't see it.

"So what about you? Whats your life plan?"

"I finish college get married buy a really big house with lots of rooms and have a whole bunch of kids. I want there to always be a full house."

"Really? Well my plans have changed now."

"Oh really and what are they now?"

Jake grabs my hand and i look up at him.

"I'm going to go to college get married to you finish college buy a big house with lots of rooms and have lots of babies with you."

Instead of arguing with him because it'll do me no good i ask him questions about this future life of ours.

"Really how many babies?"

"How many babies do you want Mags?"

"Five." I wait for him to lower the number but he smiles.

"Five kids running around. We'll have the teenager with music blasting through there ears and at the same time we'll have a baby that we still need to feed with a bottle. Then three others between them."

I picture this and i can't help but smile. "You have it all planned out don't you?"

"Sure we'll have the great dane that the oldest wanted the turtle that the middle child wanted a cat for the youngest and the other two will have a snake and a bird."

I shake my head. "The only animals i'd have in my house would be a cat a dog or a fish. No snakes turtles or birds."

Jake laughs. "What are we naming all these kids?"

"I dunno we'll have to wait and see."

Jake smiles. "Yes we will."

I shake my head smiling. "Oh Jake. Your impossible."

"What? How am i impossible?"

"There's no way we'll make it through college after only one summer."

Jake covers my mouth with his hand. "It will. Just wait. We'll have our house and kids before you know it."

I put my head down on his chest again. I start to move my fingers making them jump to a far away freckle.

"I love you Maggie and i'm not letting you go."

"I love you too Jake."

"As long as that stays true then we'll be fine. Besides i'll make sure it stays true."

I smile. "Whatever you say Jake."

"I can feel you smiling Maggie you like the idea just as much as i do."

Laughing i change the subject. "So what are we doing tomorrow?"

"Were going to call Andrew and fix everything between the three of us then were going to call Jenna and have her grab some of your clothes because i'm sure your almost out. Then were going to call your parents and tell them everything so that if they do come home and you can't go home yet they'll know why. We'll call my dad talk to him figure out what he thinks we should do. Then after we talk to all of those people i'll talk you back here and make love to you until neither of us can move from exhaustion."

"Out of all of that the only thing i heard that i liked was the last bit."

Jake laughs and my head moves with his chest. I listen to his heart beat.

After a while Jake's heart beat becomes a calming steady rhythm. It helps my mind calm down and my body finally starts to feel the exhaustion from the sex.

"Night Jake. I love you." I mumble.

I feel Jake kiss the top of my head.

"I love you too Mags sweet dreams."

The last thing i hear before i fall asleep is Jake's heart. 

Dear Jake, I hate you. (First book of three)Where stories live. Discover now