mamma mia !

15 4 0

why am i tired i dont even do anything—


my mamma mia audition is tomorrowwww :) wish me luck and pray i get Rosie and if i dont then well-

at least ill be in it :)))

the thing i love about theatre is that....if you've done if for long you're so confident and you know you'll get in and thats just how i am so LOL OOPS.

i auditioned for my first community theatre musical last year and i was the only one who got in from my school and i was like *hair flip*

it was Beauty & the Beast *chokes* tAKE ME BACK IT WAS SO FLIPPING FUN






ill keep you guys updated :)))

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ill keep you guys updated :)))

rant. roleplays. oc's. musicals. life. 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora