Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Twisting to face away from everyone, Maia thought of where to find Kaliska. She could go to Cynthia's office and figure out where she lived. A thought came to mind. "Kaliska had a nightmare. She kept having nightmares all night. I would her saying, 'wake me.'"

Kaliska's adoptive father stepped out and nodded. "She kept saying that when I woke her up. I thought she was asking me to wake her. I don't know."

"We know, Kaliska has the ability to see into things through drinking another's blood. And she has had dreams that are seeing too," Maia pointed out.

"What are you thinking?" Zara asked.

"That she wasn't talking about waking up herself," Maia snarled. She looked to Zara carefully. "Maybe...Lucian was reaching Kaliska through her dreams. Asking her to wake him."

Zara stood fast. Her wolf growled, thinking of her mate. Learning the truth of recent from Mona, about Lucian asking the Monarch to bury him, Zara didn't want to give it much thought. It only angered her to know he'd made a choice like that without telling her. Leaving her to believe he was truly dead. Looking back up, Zara spoke. "Then we will go to the Monarch and demand her to bring us to his body."

Maia nodded.

"Rosalie," Mila cried out, wrapping her arms around her best friend. Maia forgotten of the one she turned. Rosalie cringed, body probably aching from her first shift. If she was a dominant, she would have torn Mila's arm off of her. But Rosalie was a submissive wolf and took in her friends affection. "Some crazy Fae bitch took Kaliska."

Staring confused, Rosalie looked to Zara and Maia, dropping her eyes in seconds. "They will find her," she said weakly.

"Jake," Zara snarled. Jake shot up as if already wolf and loyal to his Alpha. "Take Rosalie to eat. I want you to take care of the humans and Rosalie." He nodded and Zara then looked to Sean. "You watch over my pack, cousin."

Sean nodded. "If anything happens, I know what to do."

Maia snarled and walked to the car. "Lets go speak to this Monarch," and slammed the front door.



Night fell into the sky again. Mona woke startled from her sleep. Something was off. It was like a panic stormed into her chest but left too fast for Mona to figure out what it was. Her phone beeped seconds later. Looking over, she found Rebekah still asleep.

She'd helped Rebekah through her first wave of grief. There would be many more nights. Reaching over to the nightstand, Mona answered. It was Paulina. A text read: we're coming now. Kaliska was taken by the Dark Fae.

Mona leaped out of bed, half dressed. She put clothes on mere seconds passing. Her movement startled Rebekah awake. "The darklighters Master took Kaliska," Mona sneered. "Paulina and the others are on their way here."

Understanding the panic, Rebekah moved swiftly beside Mona, grabbing her shoulders. "We will find her." She dressed too, her servant knocking at the door.

"Make sure everyone understands to stay on high alert." Rebekah grabbed her sword that rested on her table, and used her connection to tell her vampires, guest were coming.

Minutes passed slowly, but once the car pulled up time went by fast as Maia stepped into the Palace first. They were all escorted into the main Hall where Rebekah carried out many of her meetings. Seated at the table, Mona and Rebekah stood on their approach.

"What happened?" Mona asked.

Maia cut the story in half, only sharing vital information. She needed fast results. "Look. We came here because...Lucian has been reaching Kaliska in her dreams."

Frowning, Mona looked to Paulina for confirmation. She knew Paulina wouldn't lie.

"She was having dreams. Even I could pick up her cries through the early morning from the shed," Paulina noticed Mona smile a little at her. The only way Paulina could hear when the sun was still up, was if she was already awake. And she was sure Iris and her weren't just cuddling.

"Why are you in my home?" Rebekah asked, as if it wasn't obvious.

"To wake up Lucian." Maia snarled but kept her distance and wolf in check.

Rebekah snorted. "So I am supposed to take the word of those who've been inching to wake him. Lucian entrusted me to stay according to plan."

"What do we have to do to see that we are telling you the truth?" Paulina asked. "He kept taunting Kaliska in her sleep to wake him. Things are changing."

Maia couldn't speak without growling and Zara emotions were so far lost, she didn't know whether to scream and kill the Monarch if it meant finally getting to her mate.

"I have lost more than any of you know to keep Lucian buried and away from the darklighters and their fucking Master." Rebekah sneered, slapping the glass across the table. It shattered on the floor. Her eyes sapphire.

Reaching out, Mona slid her hand into Rebekah, squeezing her tight. "You are not dishonoring Terri. He would you to do what is best, for the now."

Containing her wolf, Zara honed in on what mattered. For over two decades, Zara saw the Monarch as an enemy and wanted her dead. As harsh as she was, losing family hurt and no one deserved that. "All these years, I thought you had a hand in killing Lucian and destroying our family. And taking me..."

"You gave me no choice. I learned what you planned." The Monarch sneered. "You wanted to go home and make claim to the pack and your daughter. That would have set things in motion before anyone was ready. I delayed the inevitable for months longer."

"What are you saying?" Zara asked.

"The Fae Master needed one through her blood to awake her. She'd been buried and the darklighters found her, almost twenty years ago. He knew she would be able to wake, but only through one of her blood gene. But, Kaliska was living under the false belief of being human and Cynthia taught her control but enough to keep it hidden. I thought, if she just lived a human life, or at least gain enough control to stay hidden and no one sense her, this Dark Fae would stay buried. And Lucian would be the same. And it would have been a sacrifice worth making."

"That was not your call to make," Zara snarled.

Rebekah nodded. "It was. That's why Lucian entrusted me to do what was best. You haven't faced them. They nearly wiped out my village." Thinking hard, this needed to be a choice she made, not for them or Mona. This would impact more than just them.

"I understand what one person can do. Mac manipulated half my pack. I lost so much, because of him. I am sorry for what you've lost. For your nephew. Such pain should never be endured." Zara studied the Monarch. "I don't blame you anymore. I just want my daughter."

Mona didn't want to pressure Rebekah into waking her Sire up. This had to be her choice. She couldn't demand. "It is your choice. I trust you."

It meant a lot to Rebekah to heat Mona say that. Lucian better had been sending his daughter messages from her dream. Sneering, Rebekah gave in. "This way," she said through gritted teeth.

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