Chapter 13.

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"It's always a matter, isn't it, of waiting for the world to come unraveled? When things hold together, it's always only temporary." -Rebecca Makkai, The Great Believers

Ana's POV

I feel a raw pain in my lower back as I bend down to pick up my clothes, but I know it's just because I had a long day. I change into my night clothes and crawl under the duvet. I smile to myself thinking about tonight.

Niall's such a gentleman. I was never treated like this before by anyone, the way he compliments me every time he sees me, no matter how I look, flatters me. Not even my boyfriend treated me like this.

I cannot believe that Niall owns La Dinér, in my defence he never told me about it. Honestly, it's one of the best restaurants I've ever been too. But the staff is over friendly with their boss. Especially the hostess.

My eyes become heavy just before I feel a wave of pure pain run through my back. I groan and clutch my back as I feel the cramps getting worse. The pain feels like fire, spreading all over my lower back and stomach. I sit on my knees, trying to reduce the pain.

I hear my phone going off, but I cannot find myself to get up. So, I just leave it ringing on the nightstand. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I get up when I feel the bile rise in my throat. I reach in my bathroom, just in time to throw all the contents from my stomach down in the pot. I gagged a few more times before getting up and cleaning the bathroom. I feel light and my stomach doesn't hurt anymore. I brush my teeth and head to the kitchen.

I open the freezer and take out a tub of chocolate ice cream and scoop out some in a bowl just because I'm craving it. 'You always do', my subconscious points out.


I eat in silence and scoop out some more in the bowl. After finishing, I rinse the bowl and keep it in the dishwasher before heading to my bedroom.

I lay my head on the pillow and drape the white duvet over me. I grab my phone from the nightstand since I suddenly remember it going off earlier. There are a few messages from my parents, but I don't look at them, as usual.

There is a message from Niall, that I choose to read.

'Had a great time. Thanks for coming.'

It was sent a few minutes after he dropped me. I didn't reply him, because I didn't want to disturb him. There is a message from an unknown number, but this time the message really worries me.

'I found you, baby.'

A shiver runs through my body as I keep repeating the words in my head. Is it him? Did he really find me? Will I have to go back to him? Will I have to go through all that again?

I wish I can just disappear and never come back here, around people, around him. I roll back on the other side of the bed, after placing the phone on the beside table and try not to think and worry much about the messages. I toss and turn before I'm finally able to get some sleep.

I wake up, as I feel my body on fire. I am all hot, I am burning. My head feels heavy and I cannot find the strength to get up. After a few minutes, I manage to stand up from my bed and take small steps towards my bathroom. I take the thermometer and check my temperature, which has increased by a few degrees. I take out some Advil from the cupboard before gulping it. I walk back to bed and lay my back on the bed, before calling Zayn.

"Hi-Um-Zayn?" My voice sounds a bit hoarse, so I clear my throat.

"Hi, Ana!" He chirps. "What happened to your voice?"

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