"Good... See you later okay? Take a rest first." He said. And go to their room.

"Who'll be your bedmate unnie?" Lisa asked.

"Of course.... My Hubby, it's Chaeyoung." I said to Lisa.

"Yahhh unnie!!! I thought were gonna be a bedmate!" Lisa shouted.

"Duhhh, Lisa! It's only one step to go to another bed." Jisoo said.

"Or you want, let's connect those beds? Let's move it." Rosé suggested.

"Yahhh! Really genius Chaeee, Okay let's do it." And we go to our position to push it.

"Wait wait, the lampshade." Lisa said. And get it.

Okay were ready.

"One... Two... Three..."


We didn't make it.

"We can't do this just on our own." Lisa said.

"Yeahhhh, so Rosé and Jennie call those boys." Jisoo unnie said.

Me and Rosé looked at each other. Ahhh we are always the slaves when these two crackheads will be a partner.

So me and Rosé used the connected doors.


Rosé's POV

*knock knock*

I knocked on the door for them to know that there is someone in the sala area.

"Waitttt... Im coming." I heard Jimin said.

And while waiting for him I lean my body to the door.

"Unnie... What time is it?" I asked Jennie unnie.

"Ahhmmm, near to eleven in the morning maybe... i'm not that sure, I forgot my watch and my phone is charging." Jennie unnie explained.

"Hayyyyss! Im so hung-- AAHHHH!!!" And me and Jimin fell down on the floor with his topless body and abs.

It's so quiet...

Ooh, everyone looked so shocked, even me.

I need to get up. Maybe I'm too heavy for him. So I stand up and help him.

"Why are you leaning in the door?" He asked me. "Are you okayyy!?" He asked worriedly.

"Hmmm sorry to interrupt you chipmunks, but Jimin can you please put your clothes on?" Taehyung oppa said.

He's palm is on Jennie unnie's eyes.

"Ooh, sureee wait, I'll get it." And he ran towards the bathroom.

"What are you guys doing here? Miss us already?" Jin Oppa said.

"Yuccck, oppaaa!" Jennie unnie said.

"Woah, Jennieyahhh!" Jin oppa said.

"Shhh! We're here to ask help, can you help us? We're moving our beds because we want to sleep together in one place." I explained.

"Ooh, okay. That's so basic." Jungkook said.

"Ooh, thank you. Let's go!" I said.

"Babeee! Wait!!!" Jimin said.

"Who's your babe!?" They all asked Jimin except me.

"Rosé of course!!!" He said and went out of the bathroom.

"Me? Your babe? Too funny, let's gooo!" and I pulled him.

They all laughed and Jimin just put his hands on my waist.


Lisa's POV

Haysss... What's taking them too long?

I'm planning to go to them but Jisoo unnie speaks.

"Just wait for them, you little maknae" Jisoo unnie said.

"YAHHH!!! Unnie I'm not little anymore, to be honest I'm much taller than you!" I said.

"YAHHHH LALISA! RUNNN!!!" And unnie is going to me... That's why I ran and unexpectedly I bumped into someone. And I almost fall to the floor but he catches me.

"Yahhh!!! Lisa, take care sometimes!" He said.

I lowered my head.

"Yahhh! Kookieyah! Sorry! I will take care of myself." I said.

"No need to do it on your own, I'm going to take care of you till forever..." He said and lifted my chin up.

"THOSE MAKNAESSSS!!!" They all said in chorus.

That's why we both blushed and laughed.

"Hyunggg!!! Come on! Let's do it!" Jungkook said.

And in just a second they finally pushed our beds.

"Uwuuuu, too strong boys..." Jisoo unnie said.

"Thank youuuu..." Rosé unnie said.

"No problem, babeee..." Jimin oppa said.

"Stop calling me babe, will you?" Rosé unnie said.

"Okay okay, I will. But soon I'll call you my wife..." Jimin oppa said.

Me and Jungkook look at each other with the same "EWWW LOOK" HA HA HA!

"Thank you." I said and hugged him.

"Anything for you..." He said and kissed the side of my head.

It seems like we're just the only people here... Everytime i'm with him. Thank you, kookie...

Don't Leave Me, Again. (BTS X BLACKPINK)Where stories live. Discover now