Chapter 29: Internship Disasters

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Woah... This place is gigantic!!!", Izuku exclaimed as he walked into the building.

"Of course it is!", Mt Lady answered. "We have everything a hero agency needs here! Of course it's gigantic!"

"But why does it have to be so big?", Momo asked as she took in their surroundings.

"Well, we need a base for the computer guys, and we also have housing for many of the employees.", Kamui Woods answered. "And plus, the agency isn't only for heroes! There are also multiple singers, actors and more celebs who use this agency! It's called a joint agency."

"So do you two live here to?", Izuku asked Mt Lady and Kamui Woods.

"Of course! We actually live in the same apartment!", Mt Lady answered.

Momo and Izuku both paled at this revelation and began sweating.

"S-So you're saying... w-we'll be living in the same apartment for the next week? All four of us?", Izuku stuttered as his face became super red.

"Yeah. The apartment's big, so don't worry.", Kamui Woods answered.

"O-Ok...", Izuku answered.

"Anyways, I'll take you guys to the apartment! You'll have to share a room though.", Mt Lady said as she pulled Izuku and Momo towards an elevator. "You guys don't have a problem with that, right?"

"N-No...", Izuku and Momo answered with their faces redder then ever, their eyes not meeting.

'Oh my God... The same room? This is going to be awkward...', the two thought to themselves.

"I'll be going to the main base on the 7th floor. I have to check up on a case about some Hero Killer.", Kamui Woods said, then left.

10 minutes later, the three were standing in front of the apartment door, and Mt Lady was searching for some keys.

"Where did I... here it is!", she exclaimed as she brought the keys out of a back pocket.

"Here we go... make yourselves at home!", Mt Lady said as she opened the door to reveal a very modern apartment. "Your room is the one over there. I have to go now too, I want to learn more about this Hero Killer."

After Mt Lady left, Izuku and Momo walked to their room and opened the door. The small room was clean and looked like it has never been used before. There was a desk and a bookshelf that took up half of the space. It was very simple, but maybe too simple. There was only one bed.

"WHAT?!?!", Izuku and Momo shouted.

Meanwhile, Mt Lady had joined Kamui Woods in front of a computer.

"So, do you think they're good?", Mt Lady asked.

"Yeah. They'll be great future heroes, we just have to steer them down the right path.", Kamui Woods answered without even looking up from the computer.

"Not that! I was asking if they look like a good couple!"

"Ah, yes. No wonder Aizawa called ahead. Didn't he say they're really dense though?", Kamui Woods answered as he looked up at Mt Lady.

"Yeah, and that almost everyone knows the two of them like each other, but they still aren't dating?", Mt Lady said with a laugh. "That's quite another level of dense!"


Suddenly, a mischievous grin came to Mt Lady's face.

"I ship it. Looks like we'll have to do everything in our power to steer them in the right direction, right?", she said.

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