C H A P T E R 19

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I was watching tv in the living room while Tris was in the bathroom puking. That's been happening a lot lately because of the baby, but is a good sign. It means the baby is healthy and developing in the right way. She came out of the bathroom and sat next to me. I put my arm around her shoulder and kisses her head "you okay?" I asked and she nodded "do you want to eat?" I asked again and she nodded her head smiling "what do you want?" I said. She tapped her chin with her index finger and I giggled because she looked adorable

"Can you make me steamed lobster?" she asked

"No" I joked and tried to keep a straight serious face

"Oh okay" she said actually believing me. I chuckled and leaned in so our lips where almost touching "baby I'm joking of course I can" I said and kissed her "you just seat here and let the master work" I said and she giggled "okay" she murmured and gave me a peck on the lips. I smiled and walked to the kitchen. I started cooking her dinner.


after Tris and I are our dinner we went upstairs and got ready for bed. She climbed next to me and closed her eyes. I kissed the top of her head and then we were both into deep sleep


"Tobias wake up! Tobias!" Tris said shaking me violently. Her voice cracked and I heard her crying. I opened my eyes and saw her sitting up with tears streaming down her cheeks

"Tris? Hey what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Tobias I'm bleeding" she said and her voice cracked. Oh shit. I picked her up and ran downstairs as fast as humanly possible. I grabbed my keys and ran out. I got in my car and rushed to the hospital holding Tris's hand. She cried and cried and cried. That broke my heart. I felt tears on my face too "Sh Tris it's okay, everything is going to be okay. I promise you that" I said and squeezed her hand. I pulled up in the front door and didn't bother to park the car. I just got out and carried Tris inside

A doctor saw me as I entered the room and yelled something to the nurse. The nurse typed something and a bunch of other doctors came barging in "what's wrong with her?" one of the doctors, an aged man asked

"She's pregnant and she's bleeding" I said and the another doctors injected something on Tris's neck

"Don't worry this will not harm the baby or her" he explained and I nodded. Tris closed her eyes and the doctors took her to a room.


1 hour later

I've been sitting in the waiting for an hour now crying my eyes out. People stare at me weirdly but I don't give a fuck. All I can think about is Tris and my baby. I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose my son. I don't know the baby's gender but I have a feeling it's a boy. I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't realize that the doctor was calling me.

"Mr. Eaton" he said and I stood up

"Is she okay? is my baby okay?" I asked worriedly and he gave me a small smile "the baby is fine, we saved it in time" he said and I smiled widely. I hugged him tight and tears of joy ran down my face. He chuckled and hugged back "thank you so much. I can never repay you. thank you, thank you" I said and he pat my back. We pulled back "that's just what I do" he then explains to me what happened "now go see your girlfriend. She's sleeping but she will wake up soon" he said and I nodded. I went towards her room and saw her sleeping on bed. I walked towards her and kissed her forehead "hi princess" I whispered and then kissed her stomach "hey little guy. I hope you're feeling better, daddy loves you" I said and smiled. I wish he/she could get here faster. I hear Tris whispering my name. I looked up and saw her open her eyes

"Tobias is the baby okay?" she asked and a tear escaped her eye but I wiped away with my thumb "he's fine babe, the baby is alive" I told her with a smile. She smiled too and hugged me "what happened?" she asked when we pulled away

"Umm well there was a complication with the baby's position. He was facing down and that's not suppose to happen yet. The doctors put him back up so he is good now. The baby is still healthy so you don't have to worry about that and the doctor reassured me that it won't happen again until the day he's born" I explained and she nods

"You keep on saying 'he'" she said smirking and I chuckled "I think the baby is a boy" I said and she nodded "I think so too because damn, our baby sure can kick hard" she jokes and I laugh "you want to go back now?" I asked her and she nodded her head. I helped her up and covered her with my hoodie.

I paid and signed some papers in the front desk. We then walked out and there was no paparazzi which was kind of weird. Well that must be because is four in the morning.

I put Tris in the front seat and buckled her belt "Tobias I can do it myself" she said blushing "I know but I'm gonna baby you like it or not" I said with a smirk. She laughed and I went to my seat. I turned on the engine and started driving back to our house...

I'm glad the baby is okay

He's safe and sound...

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