Your name is Rose Lalonde. Its your first day fo school at kawaii high and you couldnt be more border. Youre brothr, Dav, hast been screeching about today because "were highschoolers now, lalonde"
Tome wihc you responde "ok dav."
You walk into the big school doors and see evertone walking around. And thats when you see her! A gal with tall orange horns and hair that goes flippy and lovely gray skinned is standing by the entrance. Shes locking at here schedule and frantics. A short angry guy is standing next to her trying to help her but hes just angry. You're sister, roxy, who is a sophomore goes up to them.
"Hey gays lol guys**** do u needs any help?"
"Gays was appropriate." says the girl. "Um yes I could use some help, thanks."
Royx stairs at her for a second. She did not understand it. "Yes? You said yes? Lol i cant understnf u XD" she says. Youre not sure what shes refering to you couldunderstand the girl just fine. Roxy starts helping her and showing where the glasses are on the mappy map that the girl is holding and looking at.
"Hmm ur period one.... OH u have life science with heffer! Thats the same rosey has for first!" she points to you. You wiggle ur fingers at her in helloance. She blooshe and smilks. The blooshe is green. She is of a high caliber.... You step to her and hold youre hand outwoard.
"Rose," you say and she shaka your hand.
"Kanaya" she says and take it.
"Wonderfilled to meet you" you smilk. She nods.
Then a boy who is brown and with bull horns is an ina wheelchar coms up and is like "hey guys }:)"
"Hey babe' says angry boi.
The bell rings and everyone goes to class. You and kanaya walk together.

Kawaii High 2: Electric Boogaloo (RoseMary Edition)
Fanfictionall the kawaii high you know and love, but from the perspective of the iconic lesbians themselves content warnings: