• ninety three

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"calm down, daniel. you're being ridiculous."

"ridiculous? why is it ridiculous? i think i have a right to be upset when sabrina says no to a date just so she can go be all over some other guy."

"you can't let this have such a big impact on you. who cares if she's hanging out with some of her friends instead of you?"

"i care, because it's more than that. she clearly is infatuated with him, and is just leading me on."

"i don't think you're giving her enough credit here, daniel. she wouldn't lead you on like that if she didn't want to be with you."

"that's exactly what she would do, though. she stayed with me the entire time she was with jack behind my back, and now this?"

"this is nothing like what her and jack went through. and honestly, if you don't calm down, you're going to push her right into zion's arms."

"what the hell do you mean by that?"

"do you not realize that your last relationship was essentially ruined because you were such a jealous freak? every time you assume that she's messing around with one of her guy friends, it puts ideas in her head. think about it. you had problems with her and jack from the beginning, and that only pushed them together. do you really want that to happen again?"

it was silent for a moment, daniel processing these words.

jonah was right. he shouldn't have reacted the way he did to her hanging out with jack, but he couldn't help it. she was a beautiful girl, and beautiful girls bring a lot more attention from males than he would like.

"it just sucks to see her so happy with someone else."

"you should be happy that she's happy. it doesn't, and shouldn't, matter who brings her happiness. you can't always be her source of happiness 24/7, that's unhealthy."

"it's like she hangs out with other guys to spite me or something. i mean, i didn't even think it was possible for a girl to have that many platonic male friends."

"don't worry about them, that's what got you into this situation in the first place. if you really want to fix this, you need to fix it with sabrina. you need to learn to trust her, otherwise you'll never be able to get over this petty jealousy."

"you're right, as always. thank you, jonah."

"of course. just don't do anything stupid, let her come to you."

"i won't. talk to you later, bro."


daniel hung up the phone, then setting it down on his bedsheets as he laid back in bed.

what was he going to do about all of this?


"we should all go clubbing together tonight," brandon spoke up as he searched through the clothing racks at a random shop they had walked into.

"that actually sounds really fun," sabrina smiled, picking up a shirt and examining it closer. "i'm down."

"same here," nick spoke up, holding pants up at his waist to see what they would look like.

"i'm totally down, what about zion? ed?"

"i'll go wherever b goes," zion shrugged, grabbing the dress that sabrina had picked up and putting it on his arm for her to try on later.

"is that even a question?" edwin laughed, looking up from his phone.

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