"Hey bro! I see you landed yourself one." Brent suddenly appeared at my side with a shit eating grin on his face that I so desperately wanted to smack off.

"It's getting late man. I think we should head home." I said and he groaned.

"You're such a Grinch." He scoffed. I got up from the stool not bothering with a reply and I muttered a quick apology to the drunk miss who had a frown on her face mixed with an expression of hurt but I tried not to let it bother me as much. I walked out of the bar with a nod at the bouncer making my way across the fleet of cars to where ours was parked. I got into the drivers side, starting the car and Brent climbs in the passenger side just before I drove off.

"What's up with you?" He scoffed and I looked into the side mirror and I steered the tyres onto the road before turning to face him.


"Just nothing? Then why did you storm off?" He asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"I got tired of the place and the girl sped up the process."

"Ooh... I noticed she was drunk but dude the drunk ones are the best ones." He winked as if to buttress his point.

"You're hopeless." I scoffed and he burst into laughter. He leaned over the centre console retrieving a bottle of water from the back seat. He downed it's content in one go and I rose a brow at him.

"What? Helps with hangover tomorrow. You should drink a bottle before bed." He advised and I nodded. We got home few minutes later and I craved nothing more than the sweet comfort of my soft bed. I discarded my clothes not bothering with a shower as I climbed into bed and sleep comes easy.


I didn't know if the spirits had used a rope to tie me down or a heavy weight was placed on my body, I just didn't feel like getting up from the bed. I tossed and turned, groaning like a kid who would love nothing more than to skip school. Laziness would've been the only thing I'd have had to deal with this morning if I had followed my gut and stayed at home. I let Brent drag me to the club and even let him coax me into consuming nothing less than four bottles of beer and the drunk lady made me take three shots. I felt as though a construction company decided to use my head as their work site and the carpenters were already drilling nails into it. My head hurt and with each toss and turn, the pain doubled.

I threw my legs over the side of my bed and dragged my woozy body into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and emptied my bladder before stepping into the bathroom. I turned on both the hot and cold faucets sitting on the shower bench waiting for the temperature to regulate before I started scrubbing all the dried sweat from my body. Its a wonder how the hardcore clubbers got euphoric from rubbing sweaty bodies together. I got out wrapping myself in a fluffy robe before moving into my closet. I picked out my usual work cloths and my work shoes before sleeking my wet hair back with a gel. I walked out of the room and noticed the eerie silence that enveloped the house. One would think someone had died the night before. I went into the kitchen to find Geneva wiping the ever spotless counter as usual and Hayden seated at the dining table flipping through the pages of a comic book.

"Morning Neva." I greeted and she looked up acknowledging me with a loving smile.

"Morning handsome. How was your night?" She asked me and I nodded indicating it was okay.

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