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[Logic (Aka Logan) X Morality (Aka Patton)]

Opinion: Cute! I mean, Logan could be nicer to Patton?? Like a lot?? So it isn't on my top list, but it's still a good and cute ship!


-Domestic Things

-Cooking together

-Taking care of one another???

-Patton makes sure Logan doesn't overwork or bottle emotions

-Logan does the same for him

-It's a Patton ship, so of course, C U D D L E S

-They aren't that cuddly??

-But they will cuddle quite a bit, mostly when they're either both about to sleep, or not doing anything particularly important at the time

-They actually have more in-depth conversations than one may think. They're both smart, just in different ways, and can try to educate one another

-Logan is the teacher after all.

-Patton can make Logan very, very, flustered, very very easily.

-They sort of do act like the parents to the others, making sure they are taking care of themselves.

-They do have some minor arguments, but it never gets to the point of yelling, it's more disagreements.

-"Patton are you? Are you clinging to me?"

"... Yes."

"And... Why are you doing that?"

"... 'Cause I want cuddles and you've been working all day..."

"Patton give me another hour and I will take a break so that we can cuddle"

"...Half an hour..."

"Forty-five minutes"


Sanders Sides Ships! [My opinions and Headcanons]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя