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(Ezra🔥, Aria💗)

Aria💗: Hey Ezra..
Ezra🔥: Hey babe
Ezra🔥: What's going on?
Aria💗: I feel sick. I threw my lunch up.
Ezra🔥: Oh honey! I come home
Aria💗: No, i'll be fine!
Ezra🔥: Okay..
Aria💗: I just wanted to ask..
Aria💗: Could you please take a pregnancy test with you?
Ezra🔥: Wow. You think you're pregnant?
Aria💗: It's possible..
Ezra🔥: That would be fantastic!
Aria💗: Yes!
Aria💗: But we're not sure yet..
Ezra🔥: Ooh Aria! I love you!
Aria💗: I love you too!
Ezra🔥: Okay, if we would get a baby, and if it's a girl, what would her name be?
Aria💗: I love Sophia.
Ezra🔥: Me too!
Ezra🔥: And a boy?
Aria💗: Jack?
Ezra🔥: Sounds good to me!
Aria💗: Let's hope for the best..
Ezra🔥: Yes. But I will always love you
Aria💗: I will always love you too!
Ezra🔥: My break is over.. :(
Aria💗: Owww ;( I talk to you tonight. 😘😘
Ezra🔥: See you tonight babe xx

Aria💗, Ezra🔥 are offline.

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