chapter 15

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His hand slowly slipped out of mine, and I grabbed his index finger before he completely fell from me.


"I love you."

"I love you too babe. See you soon."

A smile grew across my face which was now wet with tears as his finger slid out of my grasp.

I immediately looked at the ring, as he had instructed. Focusing on the side that stated 'I Love You.' The second I looked down, the words engraved glowed. I smiled and knew he was there now. All of the sudden, "I'm leaving now."

"Chris, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry babe, it's not your fault, it was never your faul-"

That moment, his heart rate sped up to unholy speeds. I looked to Luke terrified, and looked back at Chris, who was now spazzing by the rate of his blood pumping.

"Chris no!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

And suddenly, it all stopped and all I heard was a constant beep.

"NO!" I screamed with tears flying out of my eyes. I jumped out of chair and held Chris with my entire arms. "NO! HES NOT GONE NO! NO! NO NO NO!"

Like grabbed me and pulled me back, "Emily stop!"

The doctors burst the door open and ran over to the other side of his lifeless body. "Son get her out of here!"

"Emily come on!" He grabbed my arms and pulled me out the door. I fought back as best as I could to get to Chris, knowing he was gone I can't let go. "NO NO NO!" Tears are now pouring down my cheeks, and Luke finally gets me out of the room. I hit the wall and slid down to the cold ground. I sat there screaming and crying, the strongest tears that I've ever felt coming out of me. Luke stood there, astonished at what he had just witnessed, he focused on what the doctors were doing through the small window on the door. I sat on the floor crying and screaming, "NO NO WHY!" I repeated over and over again. Luke bent down to my level, "Emily shh! The whole hospital is going to complain!"

I slowly stopped crying and shouting, and wiped away the tears. I looked up at Luke in disbelief.

"That just happened, he died in my arms."

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