"Why are you behaving so strong... it wouldn't hurt to actually talk to me you know?"

"I'm done talking. There will never be an us ever again."

Taylor pushes his chair back. Gripping my chin, He forced me to look at him. "There will be, because you are mine whether you like it or not."

I slapped his hand away and he chuckled.

"Mmm... you're turning me on so much. The more you fight me the more I want you. I think i love this new you." He whispers.

His breath smelled awful. Jesus. Smelled like someone took a dump in his mouth. I gagged. Covering up my nose, I stepped away. I don't know what I saw in this guy. Guess he does have his good point. His dick was the only good thing about him. Yup.

My phone beeps inside of my pocket. Fishing it out of my pocket, I glanced at the screen. Tristan's name pops up.

Tristan: Are you free?

I glanced back at Taylor who looked perturbed.

I quickly wrote back a reply.

Me: guess you could say that. What's up?

I looked back up at Taylor. "You want anything?" I asked, in annoyance.

"Who are you texting?"

My phone dings again. I glanced at the screen.

Tristan: You coming or what?

I rolled my eyes.

Me: My shift ends in the next five minutes. I'll come straight over after leaving work.

He answered right away.

Tristan: grab something for me to eat on the way here.

Ugh is that a demand? He didn't even say please. This guy!

Me: Aye your majesty.

Tristan *smug emoji* more! More!

I couldn't contain my laugh anymore. I chuckled. This is what I missed about him. His playfulness. Taylor clears his throat, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ready to order?" I asked again.

"Who are you texting?" He demanded. His hands slammed down on the table hard. A few of the patrons glanced at us.

"Nobody for your goddamn business. Last time I checked we are... over!"

"We were never fucking over! You walked out on me! You packed your things and flew here and now you're cheating on me with a fucking white dude... since when are you into small dicks?"

The family sitting at the table not so far away, gasped in shock.

I pocket my phone. "Cheating? You have the audacity to call me a cheater! I was not the one fucking some whore in OUR bed! I fucking gave you my virginity was that not enough to prove to you how much I loved you?"

"If you loved me you wouldn't be here right now! You would be back home with me trying to patch things up!"

"You expect me to patch things up after all that you've done?"

"Yes Tiana because that's what couples do! It was one mistake! One fucking mistake."

"One mistake? One mistake! Do you know how many women came forward. How many women approached me, laughed at me.... called me a fucking idiot, I was so blinded by my love for you I never saw what was in front of me."

"And what exactly was that?"

"A liar, a cheater and a fucking manipulator. You never loved me!"

"I loved you, I've always loved you! I fell in love with you the moment I first laid eyes on you."

"If you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me! You wouldn't have...."

"What did you expect me to do? We had a good relationship, but when it came on to the sex... you sucked really bad."

"It was my first time!" I can't believe we're having this conversation out in the open.

"No Tiana! You were just..... too fat. The sex was not pleasurable, but now. I think you and I will both be fulfilled. You've lost a tremendous amount of weight.... you're just...."

I slapped him hard across the face. "I know! I fucking know I was fat and hideous! I still I'm. I fucking know! You don't need to come here and be all up in face! I know!" I yelled at him. Tears pours down my cheek. "... and you wonder why I won't come back. You kept on insulting me, and I accepted that... because you were the only person who loved an hideous creature like me!" I sniffed. ".... I tried! I fucking tried to please you every single minute but I was never good enough. I never had that wow factor. I was nothing in your eyes, you only dated me because I was untouched. You fucked around with my heart and my feelings.... you betrayed me after I opened up myself to you! I thought you were... you were.... you know what Taylor fuck you! Stay the fuck away from me or else I'll have the police arrest you for stalking."
A few of the patrons gave me sympathetic looks as I walked away. I've gotta be strong. I can't keep acting like this. For God sakes it's been an whole year.

"Tiana! What did I tell you on the very first day?" Mister Emory demanded, grabbing me by the shoulder.

"Leave my problems at the door."

"Yes! Today you were acting very unprofessional and I can't have people like you serving my customers. "

"People like me?"

"Yes people like you. I'm sorry but you're fired." He sneered, letting me go.

"Yeah sure, whatever I was gonna quit anyways. You can take your job and shoved it where the sun doesn't shine." I gave him the middle finger.

This fucking rat hole didn't pay much anyways. I pushed the employee locker room open. I quickly changed out of my outfit leaving it on the bench. Grabbing my stuff, I headed for the door. Thanks to Taylor I lost my fucking job. It didn't pay much but... it was still a job. Tch. I should have punched that fucker in his face.

Alright so that's the ending of chapter thirty. How was it?

Any who I started this new teen fiction. If you have the time to spare it would be most welcomed if you could check it out. Its called. "Mending Sascha"

Thank you for stopping by. I wish you all a productive day and night.


The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now