"Hey, this is pretty good," he said, still stuffing his face.

"Of course it is, doofus," Alfred teased.

Mystery quirked an eyebrow at him.

"What?" Alfred asked haughtily.

"It's cute when you call me that."

Alfred's eyes widened and he covered his face to hide how madly he was blushing.

"Mystery!" He yelled quietly, making the man laugh out loud.

"Wow, you blush so easily," he said, sticking out his tongue like a child.

Alfred groaned and put his head down, red with embarrassment.

"I'm just joking, like friends do," Mystery frowned, putting his hand on the other's shoulder.

"Y-yeah I know," Alfred responded quietly.

But Alfred didn't want to just be friends. He wanted more than that.

He tried to calm down and stop blushing. He lifted his head, watching Mystery while he finished his sushi. When Mystery noticed him staring, he looked away quickly.

"Hey Alfred, look," Mystery said, causing the other's gaze to meet his.

He grabbed his chopsticks and pretended to shoot Alfred with them like guns.

"Pew, pew, pew!"

"Ah, I'm shot!" Alfred cried, pretending to play dead.

"Pfft, haha!" Mystery laughed, Alfred, joining in along with him.

After they were done eating, they decided to read their fortune cookies to each other.

"What does yours say?" Alfred asked, genuinely curious.

Mystery cracked his cookie open and removed the paper inside of it. "It says, 'one day you will find your true love.' Oh! I hope it's talking about Rexy!"

Alfred rolled his eyes at Mystery's mention of Rex, hoping that wasn't who the fortune was referring to.

"What about yours?" Mystery asked, leaning forward a bit.

"It says, 'the one with you the most is the one who is most special to you.'" Alfred read, looking up at Mystery.

The doctor smiled, "Well, you are a very special friend that I wouldn't want to lose."

"Y-yeah, same," Alfred said quietly, starting to blush again.

After they finished eating, they paid for the food and walked back to the car. While they were driving, Alfred turned to look at Mystery.

"So, I was thinking about what he should do at ho-"

He heard soft snoring and realized that the cat was asleep. He smiled.

"God damn, how can he be so cute and so hot at the same time?" He said quietly, hoping that Mystery couldn't hear him say it.

5 minutes later

Alfred stopped the engine and parked when they arrived at the house. He then grabbed his keys and shook Mystery softly to wake him up.

"Wake up my sleeping beauty."

Mystery yawned and rubbed his eyes, "I'm awake, my Prince Chain."

Alfred leaned in and kissed Mystery's forehead, making the man blush.

"What was that for?" He asked, confused.

"O-oh, sorry, I don't know what came over me," Alfred said. He looked away in shame.

Mystery stared at him for a moment.

"It's alright," he said softly.

Alfred smiled and they both got out of the car. He unlocked the door to the house and they walked inside. They both removed their jackets and scarves to hang on the coat rack.

Mystery walked to the kitchen to take his medication and grabbed a water bottle to swallow the pills with. When he was done, he walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

Alfred walked up to him and started running his fingers through his hair. The dog smiled contentedly to himself, a slight blush dusting his cheeks. Mystery looked a bit annoyed but let him do it anyway.

"Hey, what time is it?" Mystery asked.

Alfred removed his hands to check the time on his phone.

"It's 8:02 pm," he replied.

Mystery sat up excitedly, "Want to go to my room and play Mario Kart 8 on my Nintendo Switch?"

"Sure!" Alfred said, following Mystery as he got up and began heading towards his room.

Maybe this is my chance to play with him~ Alfred thought to himself as they walked. But maybe not, since Yuki would be coming home soon.

They got to Mystery's room and the cat immediately started scrambling around, setting the Nintendo Switch up. Alfred just watched him as he thought about the fact that they were alone in a room together.

I should probably make sure he doesn't do anything to me. Like earlier today, Mystery thought while plugging the console into the TV.

End of Chapter 2

Words- 1211

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