Me: Girls, please close your eyes. I don't know what is wrong with them, but it's incest you know, to see some male that is not your husband.

Sri: Ari, don't be jealous, Vennela has her hands full with your 8-packs that she won't drool on our poor 6 packs.

Kabir: Right bro, our sister is one lucky girl.

What??? Echoed in the room. They are siblings. And to prove the same, they turned showing their backs and their was the famous tattoo from Vennela's dream. 

On that Arpita jumped from my side and on Kabir back while Kabir just muttered a 'oomph' and cradled her on his back.

Kabir: Vennela, my little Vennela. My chotu sister. See finally I got you.

While Sri just caressed her head like a Dad would do his kid. Both the boys were happy to find their siblings while us three were bewildered as to what was happening.

Sri: So guys, I guess it's story time.

We all nodded and sat with our partners in a circle on our bed while my baby was pulling my shirt to gain my attention.

Kabir: dude, remove your shirt man. Our Vennela wants to see your abs. Right Vennu.

And she bobbed her head like a kid while Sri laughed out loudly and my baby showed him tongue. While he muttered, 'I love you'

So I started opening my buttons, blushing profusely while Arpita gawked my each action like a hawk, and when I was impossibly slow she just grabbed the shirt and tore it in half. Just like that and my upper body was exposed to view.

She was looking at me without a blink while Sri spoke,

Sri: Vennela, they are yours forever. Look at them later. 

Kabir: Vennu you can taste them.

And on sue I felt Arpita's lips on my abs. Man does she want me to grab her and have my dirty way with her, in front of her brothers. Clearly the brothers had done the dirty and were trying to let their sister have a chance. God this girl is killing me with just her lips. Shit, she is kissing each and every place. While Kabir and Sri are laughing like maniacs at my little condition.

I grabbed her arms and pulled her on to me and muttered in her ears, "Do you want me to take you here, in front of your brothers? If yes then continue what you are doing" and I sucked hard on her earlobe while she hissed in pain and detached herself from me while I pulled her back and placed my hands on her waist to keep her close.

Kabir: Shit man. The romance got over so soon.

Sri: But the atmosphere is so hot yaar and Ari you just got saved from get raped.

To which both burst into fits of laughter and this time the girls to joined them while now my baby decides to blush and hides her face in my chest.

Ari : Enough laughing at my expense. Now start murmuring your story.

Sri: I'm not Sri Rana. Sorry Kajal but your name is going to change.

I'm Rudra Krishna Adhithya.

Kabir: And I'm Shiva Krishna Adhithya

Arpita: And I'm Vennela Krishna Adhithya.

Rudra: For now Vennu, then it would be Mrs. Vennela Varun Rana

Ari: No, she is mine. And she is going to be Mrs. Vennela Arihant Kapoor.

Shiva: If that's your real name.

Ari: Means. Now I'm also involved in this. 

Rudra: You were toh from the start itself. Wherever Vennela goes Varun follows, right Shiva.

Shiva: Yes bava. Arihant you are Varun Surya Rana, our little Vennela's husband.

As Mom-Dad and Uncle-Aunty decided.

Vennela: Is it true. He is my Varun.

And she hoped from Varun's lap to see the tattoo which was of his household. Her eyes teared finding him and she pushed her head in his crook and sobbed quietly. Varun tried grasping this newly found information and held Vennela's trembling form in his arms. Soon she dozed  off while Varun came out of his trance.

Varun: Shit, she was not suppose to sleep.

Rudra: She was and tomorrow will be a new beginning for us.

She told you what happens to her every full moon night right, so the same shit happens with us and now we are feeling sleepy, so please show us our rooms.

Varun: The down floor is all yours Rudra while Shiva you just occupy the room on the opposite side of this floor. 

All left to retire to their rooms while Varun carefully placed Vennela on the bed and covered her with quilt. He laid beside her and took her in his arms and slept off.

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