An Expected Journey

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Weekend Write in Prompt - Travel 

The bedroom was a mess.  Tip was being generous.  It was more like a bombsite.  No, a bombsite that was now used as a tip.  Anyway, it was devastation at its most perfect.  Clothes were hanging off the wardrobe and strewn over the floor, unmatched socks lay scattered around as if they were searching for their mate.  Bottles of this and tubes of that proudly buried the pillows while coloured, delicately shaped perfume bottles resembled high born, richly dressed ladies looking out of places as they unexpectedly found themselves in a *shock, horror* convenience store.

In the midst of the explosion were two bags, both were empty.  'Right!'  I said aloud in the hope of encouraging myself into action.  I stumbled around the room, my bare feet hoping to find at least a small space of empty floor to stand on but failing more often than not.  As I made my way along the minefield I reached out and picked up things that would - more than likely - be useful.  

Socks - yes, they were needed.

Trousers - hmm, did I really need to pack three pairs alongside the two dresses, a just-in-case skirt and a pair of shorts (it might have been winter but still).

Bedclothes - absolutely.  Definitely needed those but would the pink pair be best or maybe the cute yellow ones with the buttons along one side.  'Ah!  Take both, that why we can decide when we are there.  Good thinking there. Why thank you, Me.'  Yes, I was talking to myself but adult conversation was scarce and the lack of it led me to having to find alternatives.

With the clothes folded and placed in the biggest of the bags I moved on to bathroom things.  One towel was more than enough: they'd have some there right?  Toothbrush, toothpaste, flannel.  Yes, they all go in to the second bag along with bath gel, bubble bath and body lotion.

So, nearly there.  Coat and scarf would be worn, as would shoes... but, I suddenly remembered, those shoes don't match that outfit.  Back across the junkyard to find the another pair of shoes. I picked up the pair I wanted and a second pair because a girl can simply not be too over prepared when it comes to her footwear.

'That is it!' I declared to the room. I fought to close both bags then placed my hands on my hips, 'gosh, packing to travel to America would have been easier!'

I made a start on collecting things together and folding things away. The bed was practically cleared before a noise from the next room demanded my attention. 'Time to go.' There was a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew this moment was coming still, did it have to come so soon?

I picked up my bags and made my way out of the bedroom. Twenty minutes later I was walking out the door. Mum and Dad would manage the baby for one night, wouldn't they?

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