It was night and it was back on earth when a portal opened by itself to know (Yn) coming out of it and fall down to the ground and the portal closed.
(Yn): S-S-Star....
(Yn) was in pain, laying down on the floor, blood everywhere from his chest. And couldn't move a muscle, he then closed his eyes. Somehow, he was being dragged on the floor. By two people.
???: Oh my, he's really hurt.
???: We need to take him to the house.
-20 minutes later-
Everything was pitched black, (Yn) opened his eyes, noticing he was layed down on a couch, and two people went up to him to check on him.
???: Sweetie, how are you feeling?
???: You look bad hijo.
(Yn) rapidly got up, and stand on the couch noticing he doesn't know where was he.
(Yn): Who are you people, Where the hell am I???!!!!
???: Honey, Calm down, we are not here to hurt you, we are just trying to help you out.
(Yn): How can I trust you people?!!
???: We put you bandages around your chest, luckily that hole you have really healed up quickly, really surprised.
???: But your still wounded, so we had to wrap the bandages around your chest for you not to lose a lot of blood.
(Yn) looked at the bandages to know they were telling the truth and sat down calmly.
(Yn): Thank you guys...and sorry I tried to...
???: Don't worry sweetie.
(Yn): Who are you people??
???: My name is Angie, Angie Diaz, and this is my husband, Rafael Diaz.
Rafael: Nice to meet you, and you are??
(Yn): (Yn).
Angie: What a nice name.
(Yn): Yes...wait, your names are Diaz?
Angie: Yea, why?
(Yn): So you guys are Marco Diaz's parents!?!
Rafael: You know our son?!
Angie: Do you know where is he, he and Star are suppose to be here, but they are not at home.
(Yn) barely realizes that he was back at Marco's house.
(Yn): Star?! Star! I gotta go save them!
Angie: Whoa there, what do you mean "save them"? Are they in danger??
(Yn): Yes, your son and my girlfriend are at Mewni, in trouble by the hands of a maniac lizard name Toffee, and if I don't go save them...then...He will killed them.
Angie: What!? (Yn), how do you know this!? Please explain it to us!
(Yn): *Sighs* okay...
-30 minutes of explanation-
(Yn): And that's how it all happened.
Angie: So, let get this straight, you are the son of a monster carver queen name Solaria Butterfly, killed by Toffee, and then was raised by your Master Zoro...
Rafael: And was killed by the same monster that killed your mother, and came to earth to have your vengeance on him, and then met our son and Star while battling against monsters, then started living here at our house while we are on vacation..
Angie: And then, you and Star end up loving each other and became boyfriend and girlfriend, received a message from Queen Moon to invite you guys for a ball to announce you and her Queen and King and then there was a Raid at the castle by monsters and not only that...
Rafael: But it was also Toffee who was raiding the castle as well to take over and you and the guys try to stop him and his men to take over Mewni, but then somehow he became strong and killed you, send you to earth and suddenly you are still alive!
(Yn): Yeeeeeuuuup. That's how it all started.
Angie: WOW, I'm really shocked right now, I...I don't know what to say...but you really had rough years losing your people...really sorry sweetie.
(Yn): It's okay, Thanks.
Rafael: And son, If you really want to a place to live, you found one right here, but of course you have been living here since Marco let you right?
(Yn): Yup.
Rafael: Okay then.
Angie: But what about Marco and Star!? Are they okay?!
(Yn): Don't worry, they're fine, all I know is that them and his friends are being held hostage by Toffee, and I have the responsibility to save my friends and my love one.
Angie: but how!? Your hurt! And we don't want nothing happen to you again.
(Yn): Don't worry, luckily I can barely heal myself, that bastard almost took out my healing magic that my master gave me, and honestly, it has to do something with my heart. So if my heart really gives me magic to heal people up, then I should not let it be hurt again. Give me a minute.
(Yn) rushed upstairs to his room.
Rafael: Honey...Was he wearing my tuxedo?
(Yn) POV
In his room, (Yn) took off the tuxedo and put on his black shirt and black pants and his shoes, he then puts his Master's two legendary katanas to the scabbard, then he somehow grabbed some white boxing hand wraps from his closet. He wraps them around both hands, and then randomly found a black bandana and tied it to his around his upper arm, and then he realize he had the picture of his master in his pockets from his pants, he looked at it for a moment and put it right back to his pocket for safety. After he gets ready he goes downstairs.
Angie: (Yn) Sweetie wait.
(Yn): Yes Ms. Diaz?
Angie approaches to (Yn) and hugs him.
(Yn): Uuuhhhh...
Angie: Please be safe, save your friends, save our Son and Star.
Rafael also approached to hug (Yn).
Rafael: May god be with you hijo.
(Yn): Oh...Thank you guys.
(Yn) gave a big smile to himself.
Angie: anytime (Yn), now go, there is no time.
(Yn): Okay.
(Yn) Took out both of the katana's and used them to created a portal that will lead to Mewni to save his friends.
(Yn): See ya!
The portal closed after (Yn) went in it.
Angie: Adios, (Yn).
End of Chapter.

A Star Falls in Love (Star x MaleReader) Completed!
FanfictionOK, guys sorry that if I have to do this again, that one story I wrote 2 days ago was wack for me, but I'm sure, I mean 100% that this story will be the best, but it is still a Star x Male Reader story. So let's Begin! The story will be about a magi...