"That was not fucking fair! I got the sucky flower pot!" The younger whined. Accepting the defeat, Chanyeol held out his arm. At first, Baekhyun didn't know what he was doing, but he then soon caught on. He prepared his two fingers while his free hand held on to Chanyeol's hand. A loud slap sound echoed through the cabin, leaving the younger's wrist a red, irritating mark.

That must've hurt. Baekhyun thought with a smirk, but he looked up to see Chanyeol not affected as he didn't wince or anything. "You hit like a baby," the younger insulted. Baekhyun scowled, seeing through his bullshit that it did hurt.

The two played seven more rounds, Chanyeol getting his wrist slapped for the fourth time while Baekhyun only had two, but it was about to be his third as he had just lost again. Baekhyun tried his best to ignore the pain of the latter's slaps because truthfully, it hurt like a mother fucker. He was actually scared for the third time getting slapped as his skin was sensitive. The suspense was killing Baekhyun's insides as Chanyeol was taking his sweet time. Before he knew it, Chanyeol had slapped Baekhyun's wrist hard, causing the older to retract his arm and screamed in pain.

"Baekhyun-ah, are you okay? Did I do it that hard?" A worried Chanyeol asked, scared that he might have did it a little bit too hard. Chanyeol reached for Baekhyun's arm and checked how damaged it was. His wrist was stained red and purple erupted. The two were sat frozen on the couch, Chanyeol's hands on Baekhyun's as they stared at each other in the eye for a split second before reality hit and they both scooted away from each other as if they were allergic to one another.

Baekhyun stood up, clenching his arm and walked to the kitchen to retrieve the first-aid kit. It was on the top shelf, and gravity decided to go against the boy as he tried to reach for it. Then, a big hand reached passed Baekhyun's reaching limit and grabbed the first-aid kit and handed it to the shorter. "You're welcome." Chanyeol mumbled before he walked out and back to the living room. "Thanks." Baekhyun whispered, barely audible, as he opened up the kit and fished out the cream to reduce the irritation of the skin. He sighed when there was now a bruise on his milky, yet tanned, skin.

Once Baekhyun returned back to the room he and Chanyeol were in five minutes ago, Chanyeol was fiddling with his hands before he said, "I'm sorry. I didn't know it'd hurt you that bad." he frowned. "It's alright. I'm alright." The older assured as he tried to cheer the latter up with a soft smile.

"Let's keep playing?"

"Only if we do no more punishments."


Both hearts felt happy as they had this little moment they didn't have too often.

"Hey! You fucking cheated!" Baekhyun exclaimed as he just lost another round to Chanyeol. "How the hell are you supposed to cheat in this game?" Chanyeol remarked as Baekhyun scowled, selecting the 'Play Again' option and wanted another rematch from the other. The two played another five rounds; Baekhyun having fourteen wins while Chanyeol had twenty. "Not fair." Baekhyun pouted, causing Chanyeol to chuckle. "I told you, Mario's too slow against Toad." He grimaced.

The two had agreed to switch the game to Just Dance 2019, moving all furniture aside to have some space to play on. Baekhyun had spent around eight minutes trying to adjust the camera where it could both catch him and Chanyeol, but the height difference was unreal. "Can you fucking stop moving," Baekhyun commanded, almost having it correct. Obeying, Chanyeol stood still as he watched the older fix the camera, eyes shifting down to where his eyes shouldn't have went.

24 Days of Baekhyun - Chanbaek ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora