Sally Invites A Guest

Start from the beginning

SallyThatGurl: not that I object

SallyThatGurl: being with her...

SallyThatGurl: it's a drug

SallyThatGurl: a drug sweeter than any kind of heroin

SallyThatGurl: she makes me feel human

MsSarahPaulson: Awh!

SallyThatGurl: shut up

SallyThatGurl: anyway, where've you been?

MsSarahPaulson: I've been busy

SallyThatGurl: even though you're in potential danger?

MsSarahPaulson: you took a brisk walk yesterday alone...

SallyThatGurl: ....

SallyThatGurl: alright fair point..

SallyThatGurl: you wanna come stay with us?

SallyThatGurl: there's more than enough room

MsSarahPaulson: I can't? I'm not in your world

SallyThatGurl: did you even read the chat history?

SallyThatGurl: our worlds are crossing over

SallyThatGurl: people think I'm you!

SallyThatGurl: I don't know why though

SallyThatGurl: I'm clearly better looking ;)

MsSarahPaulson: and Venable called me a narcissist 😅

SallyThatGurl: get your ass over here Sarah

SallyThatGurl: it's safer! plus the others would love to meet you

MsSarahPaulson: robichaux academy isn't real in my world though

SallyThatGurl: go to it

SallyThatGurl: go to the building and step inside

MsSarahPaulson: you're joking right?

MsSarahPaulson: you want me to go all the way to Buckners Mansion just to prove to you it's not Robichaux?

SallyThatGurl: correct

SallyThatGurl: well except for the last part

SallyThatGurl: I want you to go to Buckners Mansion so you can see it IS Robichaux

MsSarahPaulson: forget it

MsSarahPaulson: I have things to do Sally

SallyThatGurl: like...?

MsSarahPaulson: like meet friends, get lunch, read scripts etc

SallyThatGurl: aren't we also your friends?

MsSarahPaulson: you know what I mean Sally

SallyThatGurl: could you please just try?

SallyThatGurl: please?

SallyThatGurl: pretty please?

SallyThatGurl: p

SallyThatGurl: l

SallyThatGurl: e

SallyThatGurl: a

SallyThatGurl: s

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