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"Give me something to hold onto,
Or I'll slip right into little space."
.・。.・゜.・゜・。. .・。.・゜.

When Tae-tae Hyung came back I was quickly slipping into little space

"ok baby I got you a sippy cup with apple juice in it, is that okay or do you want something else to drink?"

I nodded quickly, I love apple juice! I thought to myself

Taehyung got out the food and served them on our plates, he put some lamb skewers on the plate along with some rice. And for himself the rest of the takeout

I hesitated to put some rice In my mouth 'don't do it you fat bitch' 'you don't deserve to eat' 'your already fat enough just stop eating'

Taehyung saw that something was bothering me "baby what's wrong why aren't you eating??"

"Y-yoonie no h-hungwy!" I told the older, but that made tae grab some rice and shove it in my mouth putting his hand on my mouth so I wouldn't spit it out

"Come on Kitten just a little more" he said as he gave me some of the lamb skewer.

"Tae tae I'm too fat, no more fwood!" "Kitten your anything but fat, your too skinny for my liking baby I wanna see you chubby"

I finished the plate of food (with Taehyungs help) and actually felt good, I was too deep in little space to even hear the mean voices in my head

Taehyung took me to the bathroom and put a diaper on me

"d-dada?" taehyung looked surprised, "u-uh yes kitten?" "y-yoonie t-tirwed" tae picked me up and went to his room, he got an iPad from the bedside table and pressed something , whatever he did made the curtains in his room close.

He also changed the temperature so it was warmer in here, "here's you kumamon baby" he said as he gave me the familiar bear.

"t-thank you d-dada" i told him as i started to fall asleep


sorry for not updating :(

-ur ugly author

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