
Bắt đầu từ đầu

Lance chuckled and Keith turned bright red. Lance's voice was deeper in the morning-sexier too, in Keith's opinion- God, he was so gay for him.

"So can I get you a glass of water or anything?" The raven haired boy asked awkwardly.

"Nah I'm good."

Keith sighed, "My- uh- older brother saw us sleeping together and he is totally freaked out. He told me to take you home after you woke up."

"O-oh um- that's awkward." Lance said, standing up and stretching.


They got there pretty quickly, their houses not to far apart. Lance took off his helmet and God off.

"Well that was fun, see ya Monday Keithy!" Lance winked and walked to his house.

Keith blushed and pulled out of the driveway.


{Cole's POV}

I yawned as I waked into the kitchen, finding Shiro sitting there with a cup of coffee. He was deep in thought and it looked as if he had been sitting there for a while.

"S-Shiro?" I asked, worried.

"What?!" His head snapped up like he didn't see me enter the room.

"Are you ok?" I step closer to him, sitting into a chair.

He sighed, "I'm fine.."

"We both know that's not true."

"It's just... Keith is just so reckless and naive. I'm worried about him. He's too carefree and doesn't think things through. I'm just scared that one day it might get him in trouble or worse. He's also turning 18 soon so that's even scarier."

"He'll be fine Shiro, " I say reassuringly, "He's strong and he'll get through."

Shiro sighed again, "I guess... I'm gonna head out to the mall in a little bit with Allura, want to come?"

I shrugged. Nothing better to do today.

"Ehh why not?"

"Ok, be ready in half an hour."

»»————- ★ ————-««

I roll my eyes as Allura blabbers on about brands of makeup and clothes. Ugh. What a basic bitch. Shiro looks slightly uncomfortable as Allura talks some more.

"Well um meet at the food court in an hour ok?" Shiro says to me.

I nod, putting my hands in my jacket pockets and walk away. Thank god. Allura is so fucking annoying. I wander around for a bit looking into shop windows and checking my phone. This is a pretty well known mall with all the "best" and "most expensive" clothes. Nothing really fits my taste. I walk around a bit more, trying to find some stores I actually shop at. I pass this nice couple sitting at a table in front of a shop and stop, doing a double take at them.

Just my luck.

It was Marcus. He was dressed up nicely, his white shirt complementing his gorgeous tan skin. His eyes sparkled as he chatted away with his little "friend". A blonde girl with skin almost as pale as mine. I immediately recognized her as Megan from school. Her blue eyes shined with interest as she talked to Marcus. She had a full face of makeup and clothes I recognized from expensive brands many people know about. They laughed and chatted away, looking deeply into each other's eyes with love. If this were a cartoon, they would have love hearts in front of them. I felt my stomach flip as I saw them lean in closer, they're lips inching towards each other till... I couldn't take it anymore and I ran. I wanted to get as far away as I could. Tears formed in my eyes and I gritted my teeth, trying to keep them in. I ran into the closest bathroom and into a stall, crying hysterically.

How could I have let myself fall in love with someone like him?

»»————- ★ ————-««

Ugh. Well I'm gonna rant about life. This may take a while so you can go if ya want.

Oof. So recently I've made some friends (I know, shocking) and they're like super cool. I found out that this one guy ish gay and I'm like shipping him with like another guy lmao. So one problem, I'm being shipped with a guy in the friend group and like I fucking hate it. They made a ship name and everything. I mean it's not that bad besides the guy being a total small minded homophobic jerk. Like ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Fucking homophobe. Anyway onto the next topic. So I have a pretty dark personality, like I'm sure many of you guys do too. Like I have dark humor and talk about knives and wanting to die. I don't actually, it's just who I am. For example: (my group is into fantasy stuff) some person: this is the poisonous stick of blah blah blah, If you touch it, you'll die instantly. Me: *tries to touch it* plz I wanna die. They take this kind of stuff pretty seriously and think I have issues lmao. This one girl's trying to be my therapist and tells me to smile more(ew lmao) so like how do I explain that this is just my personality and that I don't have issues? 😂. School has been very stressful and my friends help make it better. But yeah. So that's it umm byeeeee!


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