Chapter Six: Taking Over

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Shelly, an orphan once more, held Ms. Jane's hand as they headed to the orphanage. The orphanage was miles away from the Quinns' house, so they would be strolling down the sidewalk for a while.

Shelly watched her used-to-be home as the house disappeared in the distance. She sniffed and teared up.

"I do not want to go back," she said to herself. "I do not want to be an orphan anymore..."

She clutched her pink and purple backpack. Inside her backpack were all of the things that she always carried with her since her real family passed. They were the following: her phone - The only reason that she carried around her phone was because she loved using Wattpad. - her teddy bear that wore a red bow-tie, her 3Ds, her inhaler for her asthma and other medications for her anxiety disorder, her Forlot books - she considered the Forlot series to be the best books ever - and some notebooks and writing utensils. She had a picture of her family, but the bullies who lived at the orphanage and picked on her destroyed the picture.

Shelly gripped Ms. Jane's hand and whimpered. Her mistress took notice and looked at her.

"What is the matter, dear?" she asked.

The girl hesitated before speaking. "...everything."


"Yes!" She was now frustrated and angry. Who could blame her? She had been having a difficult life for almost three years. "I lose my family. I become an orphan! I get adopted by family after family. I get taken away and put back in the orphanage! Bam! I become an orphan again!"

"Honey, it is going to be okay."

"I have been neglected by my new families nine times!"

"Ten," her mistress corrected. "You told me before we left that you were being ignored by Kathy and the kids. You felt unwanted, and as you know, I do not tolerate that. So it is a good thing that Kathy could not find the adoption paper."

Shelly tilted her head down and looked at her shoes and the ground. She did not say anything and let the tears run down her cheeks.

Ms. Jane came to a complete halt and forced the orphan to do the same. She then hugged her tightly.

"It will be okay," the mistress reassured her. "Everything will be alright. You will be part of a family again. I can feel it."
Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the orphanage. They made their way up the path and entered through the entrance door.

"I will take you to your old room," Ms. Jane stated to Shelly. "I made sure that no one took ownership of that room."

There was a staircase in the middle of the room where they had entered and went upstairs. They soon came to the second floor and walked down the narrow hall. They reached the end and stood in front of a door. The door was blue, and there were numbers painted on the door.


"The unlucky number," Shelly muttered to herself.

The mistress opened the door, and Shelly slowly walked into the room and threw her backpack on the bed.

"I will make sure that chefs prepare you your favorite foods," Ms. Jane said, wanting to cheer her up. "You deserve it." Then she left.

The girl sat on the edge of the bed and cried.

"I wish that I was part of a family..."


"Ah!" Shelly fell back on the bed and breathed heavily. She was surprised when she saw Slappy crawling out of her backpack. "S-Slappy?"

"Yep! It is me."

"What are you doing here? I thought that you were going to stay at the house."

"And let you be here all by yourself? No!"

"Huh. I was wondering why my backpack felt pretty heavy."

"Well, this is a Goosebumps fanfiction. And we all know that no Goosebumps fanfiction is completed without me!"



"Huh?" She looked to where the voice came from and saw her best friend standing in the doorway. "Frank!" She looked at Slappy. He was lying lifeless on the bed. She looked back at Frank and quickly got off the bed. She ran to him and hugged him. "Frank."

Frank smiled and hugged her back. "I missed you, Shelly."

"I missed you too."

Do not worry, you fans who ship Shelly with Slappy. Frank and Shelly are best friends and nothing more.

But Slappy was not okay with that. He did not care whether or not that they were friends. He wanted her all to himself.

He slowly lifted his head and monitored them.

"Ms. Jane is demanding the chefs to make your favorite meal for lunch," Frank said. He had black hair and wore glasses. He had freckles on his face, braces on his teeth, and he was wearing a white shirt, black pants, and black shoes. He was kind of a nerd, but Shelly did not care. "You want to sit with me in the cafeteria?"

"Sure." She rubbed one of her eyes. "I do not really feel like it, but you are my best friend. You must have been lonely lately."

"Shelly...if you do not want to come..."

"Nonsense. I will tag along. Just give me a minute." She walked back in her room and picked up Slappy. She set him on the pillow and kissed the side of his wooden head.

"Uh...why are you kissing a dummy?"

"Um...because I can." She hurried back to Frank and grabbed his hand. They then left.

"Yeah. But why would you want to?"

The puppet sat up. His wooden eyebrows narrowed, and he jumped off the bed and followed them to the cafeteria. He hid behind the food stand and eyed Frank. Then he raised his hands and moved his fingers.

"Shelly..." Frank started.

"You are ugly," Slappy whispered.

"You are ugly," Frank repeated. He gasped and covered his mouth. "Gosh."

Slappy chuckled. "Indeed. Now that I am controlling you!"

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