Record scratch in 3... 2... 1. What?! Had Shiro seriously just thought that? He'd known about his attraction to him, but had never realized it was on that scale before.

" Sure." Matt shrugged. He was old enough to drink, though he rarely took advantage of his age. He took a tiny drink of the wine, and his face scrunched up from the strong bitter flavor it had.

Shiro chuckled and watched Matt cover his mouth.

" Ew..." Matt managed to swallow it.

" Not for you?" Shiro stifled more laughter while drinking a bit more. Matt cleared his throat and hoped that the taste would get out of his mouth sooner rather than later.

" Hard pass." Matt said.

He had unconsciously scooted closer to Shiro, but was beginning to notice it as it became impossible to ignore.

" More for me, then." Shiro smiled.

For some reason being around Matt just made him smile. It wasn't like he had to try to be in a good mood for everyone else's sake. Everything just fell into place and worked.

Matt felt conflicted, and he could've made countless memes about it. He wanted to tell Shiro how he felt, but the potential ramifications of it were so scary that he was deterred.

Shiro just watched Matt, who seemed to be squirming and antsy. His face was dusted with a faint pink pigment, and he was fiddling with the strings on his hoodie.

" What's with the blush?" Shiro asked him, not even thinking about it. The glass of wine he'd had prior might've been starting to mellow him out.

" What blush?" Matt played dumb. " Whose blush? Not mine. I'm not blushing..." He stammered.

Shiro raised an eyebrow at him as if further asserting his question.

Matt gulped and smiled anxiously. A nervous chuckle escaped his throat as he felt the urge to make up an excuse and flee. The not so shy part of himself wanted to stay, wanted to keep his ass magnetized to that couch.

" I don't know." Matt told him. Shiro was painfully aware that Matt was lying.

" You're sure you don't know?" He teased him.

" Yep. P-positive." Matt folded his arms and mentally kicked himself.

Shiro smiled to himself. Who did Matt think he was fooling?


The next day, Lance and Keith had gone to the gym. They'd both been slacking on their training lately, and needed to get back on track.

" Come on, Lance." Keith stood behind the bench, spotting Lance as he struggled to finish out his set.

" Shut up." Lance sputtered, trembling while extending the bar above himself, lowering it shakily, then pushing it back up for a final time. Keith helped him get it back on the rack.

Sweat dribbled from the taller boy's forehead as he sat up and panted a bit. Weight lifting wasn't his specialty, but he was decent at it. He could bench about 180 pounds on a good day.

Keith chuckled and ruffled Lance's hair, having already done a set himself.

" Look, you're alive." Keith snickered.

" Yeah, yeah." Lance grumbled. He was just happy that it wasn't leg day. He circled around the bench to stand by Keith. " You want to go shoot?" He asked. That was Lance's favorite part, and happened to be his best area. His aim was phenomenal.

" Sure." Keith said.

The door to the weight room opened, and in came Shiro.

Lance decided against the kiss he was about to place on Keith's lips once he saw him.

Bullets {Klance Gang AU}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt