Chapter 4 : Love at the Corner

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It was already getting dark when we all started walking home. Suddenly JB's phone rang. We all were startled by it when we saw PD-nim's name pop up.

"Hello?....No we're on our way back to the building.....Oh okay then....We'll be there soon, bye PD-nim."

JB ended the call. He looked up and cringed. His lips turned into a frown and his eyebrows went down.

"Why did he call?" Jr asked. 

"Are we in trouble?" Bambam whispered.

"I told you we should've left earlier." Jr sighed and brushed his hair back.

The members started to panic and look pale. Next thing we heard was JB laughing.

"You guys are so easy to fool! I should do this more often. PD-nim called because he wanted us to join him and 2PM hyungs to dinner."

"Jb! What the hell? You nearly gave us a heart attack," Yugyeom sighed in relief.

"Yay! I was starting to get hungry again. Me and Nickhun can have some brother talk," Bambam shouted in excitement.

"We should hurry up and put our bags in the dorms first. It'll be easier not having to carry them later," Jr said.

The group dropped their stuff and headed out to the restaurant PD-nim mention on the phone earlier with JB.

Jackson and Mark walked at the back of the group, listening to everyone else chattering.

Mark grabbed Jackson's pinky. "Jackson, are you mad?"

Jackson looked side way at Mark. "Why do you say that?"

"Earlier at the store, when I left with Jr, you looked really pissed off." Jackson laughed at Mark's response which took Mark by surprise.

"Thanks for worrying about me." Jackson shuffled Mark's hair playfully. "If anyone, I should blame Jr. He bothers you too much. I guess you can make it up to me now."

Jacksons looked up and saw that the members had already turn the corner first, which left the two of them alone. He pushed Mark up against the wall next to him and tilt down to Mark's lips. Their lips met. Jackson gave in more pressure making the kiss more passionate and romantic.

His hand moved up to Mark's cheek. Jackson could tell Mark was obviously blushing since his cheeks felt super warm. They slowly pulled away, but close enough that their lips were almost touching. They were breathing hard.

"That was a good kiss."

Mark chuckled and leaned back to take in Jackson's face, but hits his head on the wall behind him.

"Oww~!" Mark rubbed his head vigoriously.

"Babo! Why would you-"

Jackson was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"Jackson? Mark? Where are you guys!?"

Jackson stepped away as they both looked at the direction of the voice. Around the corner, a shadow was approaching.

"What are you guys doing?!" Bambam was puffing and bended over, trying to catch his breath.

"E-everyone was so...w-worried and s-scared and so I ran back to look for you g-guys! I was s-shouting your names a-and I thought something bad had happen-"

Bambam started to choke and tears were spilling. Jackson jogged over and started patting his back.

"Bambam, gwenchana?! Don't cry! Slowly breathe."

Bambam suddenly pulled Jackson into an embrace and held him tightly.

Mark couldn't help, but feel a pinch of jealousy. He quickly removed the feeling and walked over to Bambam to pat his head.

"Bambam don't cry. We're fine. No ones hurt."

Bambam looked up and gave a weak smile and he removed himself from Jackson. He really didn't want them to see this side of him but he couldn't help it.

"This is embarrassing. You guys better not tell anyone I was crying!" Bambam glared at them and quickly turned away.

"Of course we'll have to tell everyone!" Jackson joked. They each put one arm around Bambam and crushed him in the middle.


Jackson yelled out making Mark and Bambam laugh.



MarksonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora