Chapter 24

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                “What’re you doing?”

                “My missing work, asshole.” I muttered, not looking up from the numbers on the page. “I missed the start of the new chapter for advanced chem and I don’t know what I’m doing.”

                “What is it?” Dalton questioned, sitting across from me at the lunch table. He had made a big deal out of continuing to sit by me at lunch, even though Gabe and the others had moved. What’s his deal? Why wouldn’t he hang out with them anymore?

                “I dunno. Stoichiometry?” I glanced at the top of the page, frowning at the example equation. “I don’t get how the hell she did that. Where did three mol come from?” I rubbed my temple, taking an aggravated sip of the coffee I had gotten from Alla Cart.

                “It’s the number of sodium sulfate moles in the equation.” Dalton said, taking a bite of pizza he had picked up from the lunch line. “Did you eat yet?”

                “I had a granola bar.” I muttered, glancing up at him. “Why is the other one, one mol?”

                “Here.” He tossed me the bag of chips from his tray. I blinked in surprise as he continued with his explanation, “It’s sort of like a default thing. That way you can cancel them out.”

                “Oh.” Some of the pressure on my brain decreased. “You’ve taken the course?”

                “Yea,” he shrugged. “Why’d you double up on sciences?”

                “I was trying to fill up my schedule and couldn’t think of anything else.”

                “You’re still doing it wrong.” Dalton commented.


                “It’s sodium two sulfate. You forgot to add the second sodium into the math.”

                “That… was a stupid mistake.” Erasing the answers, I redid the math. “You’re really good at this stuff.”

                “I guess.” He finished his pizza, eyes resting on the un-open bag of chips. “You don’t have to have it done today, do you?”

                “No, but between yesterday’s homework and today’s homework, I have to get it done.”

                “It’s not like you need ten hours of sleep.” Dalton tilted his head. “You could get it done tonight.”

                “Tara’s home tonight. I need to cover for Tyler.”

                “You mean the bruise?”


                “Did he get in another fight or something?”

                “No, he was brushing his teeth and fell face first onto a wrench.”

                “Uh huh.”

                “No really. We were getting pipework done in the bathroom. Leaky faucet.” I nodded solemnly and gave him a sarcastic smile, opening the package of chips and popping one in my mouth. “It’s tragic really.”

                “You’re parents really buy that shit?”

                “No but they don’t care for honesty either. Thanks, by the way.” I beckoned to my homework.

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