Chapter 39|Not Okay|

Beginne am Anfang

You shook your head and stood up from the chair. "NO! I WILL BECOME A HERO! JUST WATCH AND SEE! YOU'LL TAKE THOSE WORDS BACK SOON ENOUGH!" You angrily growled and marched your tiny child body out of the room.

Katsuki glared and nodded his head in agreement. He followed you and stomped out the room. You curled up against the wall. Tears began to run down your face as your heart sank into your chest. "I-I'm useless. I'll never be a hero! I don't want an office job!" you said sobbing.

Katsuki sat next to you and gave you a big hug. "Even if you don't become a'll always be my hero," he said as he rubbed circles into your back. "Thank you, Kats," you said as your voice grew weaker.

You heard the clicking of your mother's heals getting louder. "Alright, lets go home," she said as she offered her hand. You reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling on it to help you stand up. You used your other hand to hold Katsuki's.

Time skip

You lied in darkness, wrapped up in your blanket. You had been in there for two days, only sitting up when you were brought food or water. You heard two soft knocks on your door. "(Y/N)?" asked Katsuki, his voice muffled by the door.

You didn't bother to respond, you didn't feel like talking. "I'm coming in."

He quickly made his way to your bed. "How are you doing?" he asked. You just groaned in response. "That bad, huh?"

You turned over to face him and nodded your head. You didn't notice that he was holding something behind his back. "Well, I suggest sitting up because I brought something to cheer you up!"

You groaned and weakly sat up. He grinned as he showed you what he was hiding.

Your eyes glittered when you saw he was holding an adorable teddy bear. Not any teddy bear, but a Creat-A-Bear teddy! (You can just google it and pick one xD)

"You has been staring at it for a while, so I saved up to get it for y—" He was cut off by you quickly pulling your arms out of your blanket and hugging him.

"Thank you," you somewhat weakly said. He smiled and hugged you back. "Of course, I love you!"

Tears of joy were streaming down your face. "I love you too!" you cheered.


(With no window)

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(With no window)

Kyojin through his pen across the room strong enough to make a hole in the wall. "DAMN IT!" he yelled. "Sir, please calm down," said a tall brown haired young man.

"No. All my test subjects are dying. Well, all besides Rei obviously, but he isn't strong enough to beat All Might," he groaned.

A gentle knock on the door caught Kyojin's attention. "Come in," he curtly said.

The large spruce doors opened to reveal a short navy haired woman. Kyojin didn't look at the man though, he continued to stare at a painting of a woman. "Sir, I think I have a solution to the whole...dying thing."

Kyojin turned to the woman. "And that is?" She gulped the lump in her throat and calmly said,"The quirkles, but not anyone quirkless. In a pair of twins, if one is quirkless and one has a quirk, their brains can still develop a quirk. If we just find a few of the quirkless twin in a pair, it might work."

"And how are we supposed to find some of those? Smith, don't forget how rare those situations are," Kyojin reminded her. The woman smirked in and responded with,"I found four. All four years in age."

She walked over to Kyojin's desk, where he was sitting, and set a manilla folder on it. He grabbed the folder and looked through it. Inside it was profiles of the children she was talking about.

There was information about their twins, their homes, their families, their ancestry, and much more. He grinned and set the folder down. "I want all eyes on them. I will only be start when the time is right."

The woman's smirk grew as she walked out his office. The tall brown haired man nodded his head and said,"I will assign my best to watch over them," before walking out Kyojin's office.

Kyojin looked at one of the profiles in the folder. "(Y/N) Bakugou, huh?" he said as he smirked. "I think I finally found my answer."

Heyo! Thank you for reading! Please note that this was years before Nomu was created! I hope you enjoyed that! I'd appreciate it if you'd vote, comment, and follow. I love you sooooooooooooo much! Byyyyeeee!

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