Chapter 18 - Cheaters

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"Tae keep him next you. Rosé stay close to me." Jae ordered.

"What about me?" Keke asked sassily before walking in between Jae and Rosé.

"We're a three man squad now. Tae and Hobi you're a duo. Let's go!" Keke ordered the others chuckling at her behavior.

They walked out of the locker room carefully and scanned the gym area before proceeding to the door and entering the halls. They walked down the hall and covered their eyes and noses while passing the principal's office. They tried their best not to make a sound as they turned to go up the stairs.

"Wait what's that?" Keke said point to a small pool of blood near at the corner of the wall.

"It's blood." Jae said.

"Was it there before?" I don't remember this being here." Keke said feeling a bit nervous at the sight of the blood that she was sure wasn't here earlier.

"Keke there's blood every-"

"There's some here too." Rosé said pointing at the blood that was directly in front of the steps with an ear print in it.

"That definitely wasn't here." Keke said. They all felt uneasy as to who's blood these were.

"I think we should find Lisa and others." Keke said after spotting a blonde strand of hair near the blood.

"I feel the same." Rosé agreed.

"Then I wanna looking for Jimin." Hobi confessed.

"I wanna find Jungkook." Tae said siding with Hobi.

"Guys stop we can't be splitting up and searching the place or we might encounter the-" Jae tried saying but was interrupted by a heavy stomping sound in the halls. Everyone froze in their spots at the sound. They all peeked out the corner of the walls to the front of the school.

Stepping out in his full black attire and bunny mask was nothing other Mr. Nightmare himself.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Hobi screamed running up the stairs.

"Hobi!" Tae screamed chasing after him. The killer walking briskly after them.

"Run!" Keke screamed pushing Jae and Rosé up the stairs letting them run before her. The killer reached forward and grabbed her by the ankle pulling her back down.

He layed her flat on the ground and raised his machete over his head to impale her with.

"Keke!" Rosé and Jae screamed as they ran back down the steps and Jae slapped the killer in his head with his backpack causing the killer to kick Keke further towards the front door. The two tried to pass him to get to her but he quickly swung at them.

His blade cutting a strand of Rosé's hair and the surface of Jae's backpack strap. The two backed up falling on the floor then looking to Keke.

"Get the fuck outta here!" Keke screamed spitting up blood and tossing her shoe at the killer head. He turned around giving Jae and Rosé the chance to get up and run for the stairs.

However the killer quickly turned around and used the handle of his machete to slam against Rosé's ankle causing her to stumble.

"Ahhhhh" she yelled feeling as if her ankle had been shattered.

"Rosé!" Keke and Jae screamed as Jae tried to help her up. The killer reached forward to go after them but was hit once again by Keke's other shoe. He ignored her and proceeded to Jae and Rosé.

Keke looked around for something else to throw. Before the killer could teache Rosé and Jae he was hit in the head by Jae's backpack and another shoe belonging to Yugyeom that Keke took off of his corpse.

•Last Halloween || Jikook• Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon