Author's Extra : Intermission

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Hey there, Roi here.

With this the Prologue was actually concluded for Excelsion. There's going to be a small break before I start with the next chapter. Probably only this cycles update is skipped. However instead of posting the chapter, I'm going to delve a bit more into something that was so to speak explained "off-screen". It's just Noire didn't quite listen as most of it went over his head, though part of it was cleared up with Jahn so some of this might sound similar.

Primarily I want to talk about everything that makes those who Awaken (the ones who gain the power of the Realms) special and what does that exactly mean.

The Core

The source of each beings power is the Core, it is given to them by the Realm that gives them birth and this will be returned there when they perish. Understanding ones Core is the fundamental cornerstone for every being to start building their Spark, but more on that a bit later. The Core differs from Race to Race and fluctuates between the Class and Type of being they belong to. Those with a stronger Core have an initial start to their Affinities, but in return they are a larger burden on a Realm.

The Spark

Collectively the sum of ones total strength is measured by the Spark. It is the culmination of Essence built around ones Core in the form of Kernel, Concepts and Laws. It is also extended by any potential Excelsiors, Artes, or other Race specific Traits.

The Kernel

This is built from ones Core initially and grants the user the basic Privileges upon success. That means they will Ascend to the first Grade. Ones Kernel is a key feature to acutely judge the maximum level of power they have at their disposal as the level of ones Kernel directly influences the number of Concepts and therefore the Laws each Concept can wield.

To give an example. A Kernel that's on the 5th Grade is able to wield 5 Concepts and thus, each Concept can wield 5 Laws.

The Concepts

These are the abilities granted by the Realms to their users. However in order to use them they have to pay a tribute to the Realm in the form of Fatigue. By their own a Concept has at least a single Law, but only as much as their Kernel is able to support. There is a limit how much power one is able to draw out of their Concepts and that's always influenced by their Focus.

The Laws

The building blocks of ones power. Each Concept has to have their own Laws and they have to be in synch with it as well to get the full potential out of it. There are 5 major types of Laws that can be used in turn.

* Internal Laws that build upon existing aspects of ones abilities: Core, Kernel and Spark type.
* External Laws, that create something new for the Laws to use: Control and Resource type.

**Core Type Laws: They are influenced by the power of ones Core, these provide a flat bonus to their desired type of Law. In the short run they are powerful if used correctly, however in the long run they lose out to the other type of Internal Laws in proficiency.
**Kernel Type Laws: These are the main building blocks of the Concepts as they grow with the power of ones Kernel. In the beginning they are rather weak and takes a couple Ranks to start catching up to the Spark Type, but they are unmistakably the strongest in the long run as their bonus value can reach quite high multipliers at higher Ranks.
**Spark Type Laws: This category is a middle ground between Core and Kernel, they grow with the users Spark Volume, but in return are tied to it. The bonus multiplier they grant is nothing to look down though and a clever use of these Laws can turn the Concepts quite sturdy.

Excelsion - Book 0 : PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now