' nightshade '

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    "SHE USED to leave voicemails for you every single day until it happened, you know," Carmen struck up small talk with Jack, finally after staring him down.

He'd never looked at her so fast before. "What?"

"Yeah," Carmen shrugged. "Even made you Chandler's godfather despite dad's obvious dislike. Sent you several invitations to get you to come to our birthdays, but you would've known about that if you never sent back the letters, didn't you?"

Jack scoffed. "And look where Murdock got her. Six feet under us, and I'll assume that my supposed godson is dead,"

"That's where you're wrong, Jack. Can't believe how much of a selfish jackass you can be that you won't put aside your hatred for one man just to help his daughter with the woman who got away," Carmen rolled her eyes. "Should've known better."

She grabbed the bottle of beer off the table that he hadn't even noticed her bring, taking a rather large swig as she sauntered out the door.

"Got the asshat to speak yet?"

"Nope. I'd probably break him before midnight, my father always told me I scare even the bravest men when I have a knife in my hand and a lighter in the other." Carmen shrugged.

"And, don't you think you're a little underaged for that?" Liam inquisitively shot her a look as she saw her drink from the bottle.

"The man who made my mother cry almost every single day before it happened is in the next room and you won't even let me be drunk for it? Fuck, you're cruel, Liam."

"It was your idea," Sweet Pea interjected.

"But I didn't say I had to like it, or any of us. Sometimes you just got to think like a sniper, and snipers always scan exits before they enter. You think I'm going to barge in a building I won't know how to get out of? Watch me," Carmen raised the bottle in a half-drunken stupor. "Lind's just a means to an end, I get what I want, he's disposable. I don't give a damn he's my brother's godfather, he betrayed dad once and I'll kill him twice."

"You don't mean that," Wynona deadpanned.

"Oh yes, honeybee. I do,"

She set the bottle down on the coffee table, sobering up quickly with a tolerance that only a Murdock was known to have. She yanked out her carbon steel knife from her boot, marching back into that room.

They stared at her retreating back in disbelief. "Jesus."

"-That's Eliana's daughter? And I thought I'd be worst."


    "MAYBE SHE just needs a little motivation, get her ass on the run," Novak chuckled darkly.

Robin rolled his eyes, having been forced to listen to the man rant for hours about meaningless shit when Robin could have been plotting back his escape. "If you think about the classic video thing where you'll threaten me, Carmen's stronger than that."

"I know, that's why it involves both of you. Have fun trying to explain to everyone what the hell happened back in Budapest and Kandahar by the way," Novak sniggered.

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