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"Night, Ivy! Don't forget to close up." Ms.Glade said while leaving the shop.

She gave me a cashier job at this bakery about two years ago when I graduated high school. I've gained her trust with my responsibility so, she let's me lock up. I waved bye through the window and continue to wipe down the tables. Dipping the rag into the soapy bucket, I slapped it onto the surface and scrubbed away.

This bakery was my second home. I wasn't that into going back to school for another four years so, I just looked for work. I've tried other jobs before this but, nothing really made me feel comfortable. So much of the bakery had been taken up by the ovens and the mouth-watering displays. From the black and white tiled floor to vintage red wallpaper.

After cleaning the tables, I put the rag and bucket back in the supply closet. The door chime suddenly echoed throughout the empty bakery. Curiosity plastered on face, "Sorry, we're closed!" With no response, I slowly peered put of the closet. I closed the door behind me and headed towards the front of the bakery. The lights flickered above me as I tried to look for the customer. There was no one there. But, the door hadn't rung signaling the stranger had left.

My heart quickened it's pace and heat rushed to my face. I cautiously put it past me and grabbed the keys. My fingers turned off the lights and exited the store. I placed the key in it's hole and turned to lock it. I did the same with the other two locks. Next to the door was the Open sign so, I flipped it to it's corrective side.

Upon walking outside, the rush of cold wind brushed through my hair making me shiver. I pulled up my coat sleeve and checked the time, '8:33pm'. My boots clicked against the concrete sidewalk and the wind picked up the fall leaves off the floor.

It was eerie. The street should have at least had a couple commuters by this time of day. But it stood as empty as any desert. The litter blew like tumbleweed in the sharp November wind. The silence pressed in on me and all I could see was the hot stream of my breath and scuffing noise my own feet made as I stumbled down the sidewalk. The once salmon and purple sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the town. A canopy of luminous stars materialized amongst the ocean of blackness. Some were dull, merely flickering into existence every now and then, but there was an adequate amount of shimmering stars to illuminate the dark, moonless night.

The feeling of uneasiness made me look over my shoulder once or twice. I usually feel safe in my neighborhood but, sometimes I feel like I'm being watched. I felt droplets of water drip onto my face making me look up. The sky boomed with thunder and lightning struck the sky purple. I crossed the street to take a shortcut, trying to shorten my route because of the rain. I went in between two buildings and into their alleyway. As if on cue, a pair of heavy footsteps could be heard a few feet behind me.

I tried not to make it obvious that I was trying to walk faster. I took out my keys and gripped them tightly between my knuckles. I exited the alleyway and before I turned the corner I looked back. A dark clothed figure stood still staring at me. The height of the buildings casted a shadow, making the figures face hidden.

Okay, he's totally following me. I started to jog through the now pouring rain. The rain was something that stopped my thoughts from buzzing, calmed me, but at the same time excited me. The waves of the salty liquid washed the pavement creating a melancholic song.

My house was just on the next block. I smiled knowing I would be home soon. I looked behind me once more to check and suddenly the figure peered out of the alley and started to run to me. My eyes widened in horror and I ran away as fast as I could.

My breath drew ragged and harsh as I puffed up the hill. My fingers are curled into a fist, nails digging into my palm. Hearing the clamoring of heavy footsteps made me regret not carrying my pepper spray. I quickly opened the gate to my house and skipped over the steps. I quickly fiddled with my keys, desperately trying to find the right one. The keys slipped out of my sweaty fingers and dropped onto my doormat.

"Fuck!" I gasped loudly.

I swiftly bent down to grab the keys. I jammed the gold key into the keyhole and twisted the lock. The door flew open and I jumped inside, quickly locking it from the inside. My chest rose and fell rapidly making me breathe onto the window. The clear glass fogged up and I wiped it away with my sleeve. I looked across the street and the same figure stood in the middle of the road.

I hurriedly closed the curtain and grabbed the golf club I hide in the hallway closet. I set it down next to the couch to take off my wet coat and scarf. I layed the golf club on my lap and pulled out my phone.

My eyes slowly opened and I realized I fell asleep. Based on the clock above the TV, it was around 10:40. Since I got into a comfier sleeping position, the club slammed onto the floor making me jump. I can't believe I fell asleep. How incredibly stupid is that. I remembered what happened earlier and my eyes immediately looked at the door.

The wooden panels of my floor creaked with every step I took towards the front door. I made sure the door was locked before I opened the curtain. I was expecting to see the figure looking right back at me but, instead there was a freshly fogged area on the window from the outside. Inside the steam was a drawn shape of a heart.

 Inside the steam was a drawn shape of a heart

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